Chapter 1.

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Isabella's Pov.
The alarm buzz and I groan and Turns it off,I sit up in my bed and sigh. Another day of hope, But it will be worth it in the end, I think as I swing my legs over the bed. I slowly stand up and look at the clock 5:02. I walk over to my bathroom and grab a towel and put it on the washing machine and gets in the shower. I turn the shower on and shiver when the first very cold water hits my body, After a while it gets warmer and I grab my TRESémme Shampoo and rub it in my hair,I carefully wash it out and puts in conditioner, I let it stay for a minute while I rub my body with some showering gel, I wash my body and Wash out the conditioner from my hair. I turn off the water and grab my towel and steps out of the shower. 

I walk into my bedroom and Plugs in my hair blow dryer and when my hair is dry I put it up in a knot and walks over to my desk, Lets see what I will need today..these files,Oh and this.. 
I grab a pile of files and puts them in my suitcase. 
Its gonna be so nice to finally feel like I have accomplished something. I give the clock a quick glare  '5:59' Oh shoot!

I quickly grab some mascara and brushes my eyelashes. I run over to my closet and grab my white dress and puts it on and then grab my black high heels, and my MK Black watch. I grab the suit case and runs out of my apartment, I turn around and lock the door and push on the button. When the elevator finally arrives there is a very handsome man with brown eyes and brown hair, a very marked jaw and very white and straight teeth is staring and me. I smile at him and drags my suitcase in and puts on my shoes. 

"Stressful day?" he says and smiles, I nervously laugh and Looks down "Yeah, I have a very important meeting"I say and looks at my nails. Good thing I painted them yesterday.

The elevator rings and the doors opens. "Good luck then..?" He says and smiles "Isabella" I say and he nods "Good luck Isabella.." He says and walks out.  I take a deep breath and walks out. Okay okay.. taxi.. I see a yellow taxi drive towards me and I wave my hand and it stops, Thank god. 

 The taxi driver gets out and helps me with my suitcase.
 "Thank you" I politely and say give him a warm smile.
 "No problem miss, where do you need to go?" he asks.

 "Eclipse tower,34 " I say and he nods. I glare at the watch on my arm 6:30. I take another deep breath..

Today is the day.. 

One hour later I'm finally there, Outside my dream job. I give the taxi driver some money and tell him to keep the change and starts to walk
 "Miss!! You forgot your suitcase!" He shouts and I turn around with a huge Sigh.. how embarrassing..I smile at him and gives him a thank you and he smiles and shakes his head, he gives me my suitcase and I almost run inside. 

 I sit down on a chair in the wait room until someone calls my name
"Isabella Wilder?"
 "Yes!! I mean yes, that's me.." She woman looks at me without any emotion and nods
 "Follow me." She says and I nod and stand up.
She takes me to a white room with big windows and A black table in the middle with some black chairs around it. I look around in the room, this room is so beautiful! 

 I hear someone clear their throat behind me and I turn around.
 "Oh Hello Isabella" I hear and I look up, Its the man from the elevator!
"Hi" I nervously say and he smiles.
 The woman gives me a disgusted look and turns around and walks out. He sits down and motions for me to sit down as well.
 "Please,Sit" He says and I quickly sit down.

"So..why should we hire you?" He asks and I smile.
"This has been my dream job ever since I was little, uh.. not that it matter for you.. anyway I've studied Fashion so I think I can help alot, Hold on.." I say and stands up to open my suitcase, I grab the files and hands them to him.

 "This are just a few of my ideas on how it can be better and a few cover ideas for the magazine " I say and he stares at them very focused
"Hmm.. Very interesting.. I think you could do good for us" he says and smiles, He hands me a contract and I sign it and so does he, He stands up and is about to hand me his hand but I hug him
 "Thank you Thank you Thank you!!" I say and He smiles a little
 "No problem, But Isabella, No hugs" He says sternly and I back a few steps
"Im sorry" I say and bite my lip .

Everything I wanna do now it to scream!! 

"So.. You can start next Monday, My assistant will mail you the details" He says and I smile and nod. 
"Thank you!" I say and I take my suit case and walks out of the building. I turn around and look at the bullying one more time. I look at the top and sees the big letters in white shine 'VOGUE' 

I call a taxi and when it arrives the taxi driver shoves my suitcase into the trunk.
 "where to miss? " he asks and I give him my address and he drives me there.
 I get out and he is already standing there with my suitcase. .okay that was fast. I give  him money and walks to the elevator.
I pick up my phone and calls Michael.

"Hey! How did it go?" He asks and I smile big
 "I got the job!" I shriek 
"Really?! Im coming over now!" He shouts and I hang up.

I unlock the door too my apartment and Puts the suitcase in the hallway. After a few seconds there is a knock on the door followed by a very happy Michael running up to me and hugging me. 

 "im so proud of you Bella!" he says and I smile big.
"Thank you, so.. Chinese later?"i ask and he shakes his head.
"No. Lets go out for once" he says and i nod.

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