3. As life goes on...

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First off... I'm soo sorry for being so slow... I'll be trying to do better... Thanks for reading so far, I really appreciate it.

On with the story ^-^


3. As life goes on...

The next few weeks went... well, I'm not quite on friendly terms with Sanji,... yet. He's a womanizer or better yet... he fancies all women :/.

And to become friends with me, you have to be... special, since I'm not normal my friends shouldn't be either That's the reason I haven't got any other friends than the fighting cooks.

Zeff became my guardian, if anyone says something against me... he kicks their butts.

Now I'm not as trained as I was anymore... About the devil fruit... I' not quite sure what my powers are, but I'm never going to be able to swim again, so I know my weakness is water or better yet... the sea.

I'm living on board of the restaurant now in my boy form, I didn't found it... okay to become the only girl member on the staff, the guests are drooling enough over me, I don't wanna have it the same way with the staff.

At night I usually become my girl self to shower and sleep, on he toilet I just do a quick gender change, I don't want to see my guy self's special parts, that would be rather disgusting...

My bedroom is right next to Zeff's room, on the highest floor of the restaurant and if someone wants to go in, the person must go through Zeff's room first. Zeff is the only one that knows my secret.

Everyday I usually help at first in the kitchen on the middle deck, to help with the preparation for the day like cleaning or shaving potatoes. Only easy work because I'm not as good as cooking as the others are.

Afterwards I go to the lower deck, where the main restaurant is placed and help Sanji out with serving the customers.

So far I like it here, but I wont stay forever, I wanna be free like a bird...

Until I find that one place, where I want to grow old at. I'm not looking for the impossible, just a place that I can call home, where I feel at ease at,... but so far I have to keep searching.

--------- The next day --------

I'm waking up, I look at my watch 5 o'clock sharp. The best time to wake up on board.

I'm looking around, smiling to myself. I can't help it I'm just that happy about this room, Zeff helped me to decorate it.

The walls are a soft lime green with dark green vine ranking designs in the corner. My room has two windows, one above the bed and another one beside my reading chair. Next to the chair is a cupboard filled with my favorite books.

My bed is beige with soft lime green covers, I've got two dressers two, one with girl clothing and one with boy clothing... they' both beige, but the girl one has soft lime green vine ranking designs and the boy one dark green designs.

The dressers are next to the doors, one leads to Zeffs room and the other one to my personal bathroom.

I'm getting out my clothes for the day... boy ones, today I'm going with a black V-neck shirt, light blue jeans and my normal black dress shoes. With that I'm wearing a necklace with little metal charms from my hometown.

I'm going down one floor now, to help in the kitchen. Crabe pushed a pot of potatoes my way, I lift it of the ground, walk into my corner and get to work.

I shaved them looking around, the others where making a soup,... interesting...

After I finish I walk to a big pot of water, which Crabe hopefully prepared for me. I clean the potatoes, afterwards I get them out and bring them to Crabe.

He nods my way as a thanks. I smile at him and walk to the stairs, I slowly make my way down to Sanji.

I wave at him. "Morning." he says back. "What should I do?" I ask him. "Wait until someone comes in and lead them to a table." he tells me, I nod and wait.

"I'm sorry..." he slowly said looking down to the ground

A little confused I tilt my head "What for?" I mean he didn't do me any wrong, didn't he?

He shakes his head he's becoming uneasy, I can see it, but why? "I wasn't really all that nice to you when you came here. I once was like you on an island or a rock, I'm still not that sure about it,... but I wasn't alone,... Zeff was with me,... w-we were hungry for days and those days became weeks.

It was awful, I hope you forgive me for not giving you any food after this cruel experience... I-I were I guess a little jealous, because of your popularity amongst our female guests.." He said sheepishly rubbing his neck.

He was jealous, JEALOUS!! I don't get it... and because of this idiot I nearly died and he-he-he even knew just HOW awful I was feeling... I could rip of his head, that angry was I. Stupid cook, stupid, stupid, STUPID...

I just glare at him and walk over to our customers, with a smile on my face I started leading hem to their places.


Hope you like it ^-^

I wanted to update yesterday,... but I fell asleep, sorry -_-'

Anyway, who do you think should she end up with?

Thanks for reading ;)

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