{1} Prologue

659 50 21

Imaginary; {1} Prologue

"Frisk, who are you talking to?" 


"Is she some imaginary friend?"

"I assure you Sans. (Y/N) is very real."

"Believe what you want kid."

Sans left and Frisk turned to the (f/c) mist. She nodded slowly. Only Asriel and Frisk could see her. Who was she? In fact a human to fall. Her grey soul was one of loneliness. (Y/N) was killed by Flowey before Toriel came. When he tried to absorb it, but the soul left. For years she guided the other souls, only to watch them die of different causes. Their souls were incased, leaving them unable to move as freely as (Y/N). When the eighth human fell, she also guided them and worked off the mistakes of the previously fallen. Sans got suspicious, but said nothing. Frisk made it all the way to Asgore and ended up breaking the barrier. (Y/N) stayed with her the whole time. She befriended Chara, who watched over Asriel as she did Frisk. Despite her attempts, she was still lonely and the lack of a true trait deepened that wound. 

"I'm going downstairs."

Frisk nodded and (Y/N) floated her way through. She sat on the couch and curled up. She closed her eyes.

"I never asked for this . . ."


(Y/N)'s eyes snapped open. Sans was looking around. Had he heard her?

". . Yes?"

Sans's eyelights shot to the spot she sat at.

"Who . . are you?"

I stayed silent for a bit.

". . (Y/N)."

Sans looked shocked. 

'The kid really was seeing someone."

"Are you a ghost?"


"Who killed you?"

". . . Uh no one."

He frowned and sat next to her.

"I know you're lyin'."

I chuckled lightly.

"Guess you saw right through me."

His laughter filled the room with a deep voice.

"I got one too. What is a ghostly bird?"

"Hmm. I don't know."

"A sea-ghoul."

I laughed deeply. His face turned a light blue.

"I have a ton more."

"Really I'd love to hear-"

"A skele-ton."

He laughed again.

"What happens when a ghost disappears into the fog?"

"He is mist."

"What do you call a ghost who scares chickens?"

"A poultry-geist."

"What app is for searching for ghosts?"

"Pokemon Ghost."

​"What kind of glasses do ghosts where?"


The rest of the day was laughter, puns, and jokes.

Was it finally when (Y/N) return to reality?

Would they accept her?

YAY! I like how this idea is working, so I hope you do too! Here's a bit of info!


LV 0

HP 20

Weapon Stick

Clothing Purple/blue jumper, shorts, brown boots


Eighth human to fall.


LV 0

HP 50

Weapon Hidden pocket knife/Ghost 

Clothing Grey sweater, shorts/skirt, grey boots



[<<ERROR>><<FILE: memories.exe NOT FOUND>>]


Enjoy readers. ;) Kirby out!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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