This chapter is totally not for wooshings-
This guy right here is 1000000% mine and only mine. Idek how long we've been together but I love you a lot. Wait no. More than a lot. A lotlot. skdkskdjsk. It's about to get even cringier in here. I suggest you skip these next parts-
Anyways I fell in love with you pratically the first day I met you. There was just something different about you. You're not like every guy out there. You're different and that's what I love most about you.
hOW long have I known you?-
Idek that :") But I've known you long enough to know that I truly care about you. That I truly love you. No one has ever made me feel the way you make me feel. You're always on my mind. 24/7.
You make me really happy and I hope we're together for a long time even if it's not forever. Because well nothing lasts forever and just thinking about that makes me lowkey (highkey) emo. I mean-
You really are my everything. I mean it. You're the only person in my eyes and always will be. Nothing will ever change that. No one is as perfect as you. No one.
Just know that I'll always be here for you. Always. Even if I'm tired, done with my life, emo, etc. I always will be here.
Don't ever consider leaving again. I couldn't stand not having you in my life. I'd probably cry a whole lot- I mean-
Who would I hit with my pillow?
Who would be there for me? (I barely have any friends)
Who would I love? (well no one because I probably wouldn't be able to get over you- I mean-)
No one because I couldn't and wouldn't ever replace you. You'll always have my heart :") Forever. And I wouldn't ever forget you. How could I forget someone who is so important to me?
I'm scared that one day I'm going to lose you and I don't want that. I don't want to ever lose you. You mean too much to me.
Thank you for just everything. For existing in my life. Because without you in my life, I probably wouldn't be here right now. I probably would have deleted by now if it wasn't for you. And I'm glad I didn't delete a long time ago because I would've regretted so much not ever meeting someone like you.
My life would've never been complete or the same without you because honestly you're one of the reasons I wake up every day happy. You are like the motivation for me to do better every day. To be a better person.
Even if you hadn't noticed it, you've had a huge impact on my life. An enormous one. I changed for the better when I realized what I truly felt for you. When I realized that I needed to be a better person for you. I felt like I was indirectly disappointing you if I didn't try every day. And well then I did and I won't stop trying. Ever. Even when you're not in my life anymore.
I love you.
I highkey waited for you to get offline so I could post this :") I'm probably going to delete this eventually-