The Morning After

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"Hello Sweetie." "Ack!!" The Doctor jumps a foot in the air and whirls around, startled. River is behind him, leaning against the railing with a smirk on her scarlet lips. She's wearing a spacesuit. The Doctor's heart clenches and he has to clamp down on his tongue to keep himself from crying out. It's the morning after Darillium, and the Doctor dreads what's coming next. He desperately wants her to stay with him, but he knows this is fixed. There is no teselecta this time around. They can't run away from fate again. The Doctor curses destiny and slowly accepts the fact that River is leaving and taking his hearts with her.

He had crept away earlier when she had been sleeping to make a few adjustments on his secret project. It's finished now, and the Doctor wishes he had more time. He laughs internally with bitterness at the irony. "What are you doing?" River asks, effectively breaking the Doctor from his dark thoughts. He smiles. River Song, saving him from himself always, even when she doesn't realize it. "Spoilers." He teases. River chuckles. "I haven't heard you say that in ages. Lately it's always been me telling a younger you that. Now, I really need to go. Mr. Lux is quite a stickler for everyone being on time." The Doctor winces slightly. "What's wrong?" River asks as she puts a hand to his cheek. The Doctor wishes she wasn't wearing her suit, he wants to remember the feel of her hands, warm against her skin. "Nothing. Just wish you were going somewhere exciting." River can tell he's lying, but she lets it go. She can tell something's bothering him, but she can't figure out what. So she kisses him instead. He responds enthusiastically and they are both breathless as they pull away. "Now, I really do need to get going. Are you driving, or are we going to be on time?"

The Doctor ends up flying and they land perfectly on time. River pecks the Doctor on the cheek and turns to walk out the door. "River." The Doctor stops her and kisses her passionately. River moans in ecstasy at the sensation of him, but she feels as though something is wrong. He feels so desperate, as if he's begging her for something, but she doesn't know what. The Doctor pulls away slowly and gives her a shaky smile. He hands her a badly wrapped package and she opens it slowly. Inside the crinkled paper is a sonic screwdriver. "Doctor, what-" River is interrupted with another kiss. It's somewhat softer and ultimately sadder. "River, I- I lov- See you around, Professor Song." She smiles softly at him, her daft old husband. "Until then, Sweetie. Until then."

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