Divergent High

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A/N We do not own any of the characters in this story unless otherwise mentioned. All rights go to Veronica Roth. We will try to make this as un-clique as possible. ENJOY!


           I wake up. Jolting into a sitting position, my eyes fly open. Why am i up this early? Oh yeah, it’s the first day of school!!!

            My eyes scan the room, darting over the blue walls and dresser for what i know is waiting for me. I glance at the vanity, and there is is. A black HP G6 with a blue case in between the perfume and eye shadow.

        Ever since fifth grade, my parents promised me that I would receive a new laptop, instead of Caleb’s old hand-me-down Macs, which I absolutely detest.

          Anyways, today is the first day of my sophomore year at Divergent High. Robert, my boyfriend of three years, will be here at 7:30 in his black ferrari to pick me up. Right now, it’s almost 5:00, and Caleb is still not up yet.

         I walk across the hall and stand in his doorway. His walls are covered are covered in football  posters and outlined pictures of Victoria’s Secret models.

         I jump on his bed and yell:

“Caleb! Guess what Robert just told me? Susan just got a new boyfriend and he’s a model so you better get a move on it if you want her back!”

        He shoots out of the bed, taking the covers with him. He is only wearing a messy gaming shirt and boxers, his usual “pajamas”.

 “What!!” He yelled, jaw dropped.

          I start cracking up, nearly knocking over the lamp next to me with my hand, leaning on the table next to his bed.

 "Ha! That got you up nice and fast!" I say, clutching my stomach.

"Beatrice!" He repromands, "NEVER do that again!!"

          He called me Beatrice again, this, along with all the other things Caleb has done, makes me angry. I throw a pillow at him, hitting him in the back as he is turning around to put covers back on his bed. 

"Well hurry up and get up! It's the first day of school!" I yell.

         He groans and shoves me out the door. 

     I walk back into my room, scaning the closet for the outfit I picked out about a week ago in preperation for school. What? Who can blame me?! All the Eurdites do it because everyone is excited for school when the time comes around. 

      I put on my tight light blue crop top, my dark wash jeans that define my curves and 2 inch aqua slettos . I straightened my golden brown-blonde hair that hangs down to my waist, sweeping back and forth across my back as I walk. I walk over to my vainity puting on a light layer of fondation, slide on a line of eyliner, and swipe my mascara wand arcoss my upper lashes.

        I run downstairs, grab a muffin, and step outside. Now it's time to wait for Robert.


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