Green Eyes CH 3

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Chapter Song: Umbra by Karnivool


You woke with a jolt. Where were you?
Your vision was blurry and your head hurt, you let out a groan. You heard some shuffling from behind you. You blink and a light turned on, you let out a loud groan and open one eye to try and peer through the bright light. It was him, the man in the mask.
"You have to be quiet." His voice echoed. "Its going to be fine." You felt drowsy and cold. "You can't tell anyone." his voice sounded like a distant echo."Stay here." You try to move but a hand stopped you. "Go to sleep, I'll be back soon." you heard a door squeak open and close. You felt yourself drift back into sleep. Its just a dream, right?


You opened your eyes again, this time you felt less hazy. What happened? Where were you? "OK, get a hold of yourself." you mumbled. So you walked home, from the café. You uhhh got to your door. Your eyes shut in attempt to recall what got you in your current situation. Oh that's right you texted your friend that you got home safe. Suddenly it hit you.

**** Flashback ****

You took in a shaky breath and forced yourself to turn towards the source of the noise. 'Please be all in my mind.' you begged.
Lo and behold there he was. The man in the mask. You went to scream but he covered your mouth and pushed you against the door. He some how managed to restrain both of your hands and turn you around.
"Please don't struggle." his low voice mumbled in your ear. You struggled for a few more seconds, but stopped when you recognized the voice. Where had you heard that vo- you got pulled out of your thoughts when you suddenly felt a pinch in your neck. You struggled again but your body started to feel heavy.
"Did you jst druu-gg meh." you slurred at him as he picked you. You felt very tired, and couldn't talk or move. He put you in the back seat of his car and tied your hands up and legs. He untied his mask, but your vision went cloudy. The last think you remember is his glowing green eyes from the beam of a street light.

**** End Flashback****

You heard footsteps approach the door behind you and someone fiddle with the doorknob. Suddenly the door behind you flew open and a wave of light shone through and hit the wall you were facing. A shadow of the man danced on the wall, as he approached you. You slowly turned your head to look at him, with a raised eyebrow. He looked down at you with no emotion in his forest eyes. As he slowly walked around until he stopped in front of you with his arms crossed. He still wore the mask and the navy blue parka with the black skinny jeans. You stared at each other for a moment, his eyes stayed emotionless. You tried to open your mouth but found that there was duct tape over it. You wanted to know why you were there and what you did to get yourself in that position. You break the eye contact and looked around the room. It was just empty, nothing but you in it. It had a window to your left. You could also smell paint which indicated that it was recently painted. You looked back at him and gave him a questioning look. He was still looking down at you. You heard a woman call out "Bye, don't stay up too late." and a door slam. It went silent again.
"OK, I know what your thinking and no I'm not going to rape you." he finally spoke which broke the silence. You raised your eyebrows and panic flashed through your eyes, you never thought about that. "No, I said I won't do that." he tried to reassure you. You let out a breath of relief through your nose and relaxed slightly. "OK, I'm going to trust you not to scream. I'm going to take the tape off your mouth because I can tell you have questions." you hummed at him in agreement. All you wanted was to ask questions, you didn't want to scream and the tape was uncomfortable. He reached to the edge of the tape and ripped it off. You let out a gasp of pain. You licked your lips and looked at him, curiously. "I'll let you ask 5 questions then I'll tell you the rest." he offered. You furrowed your eyebrows at him.
"W-what will you do if I scream?" you asked him. Crap you didn't want to ask that! but he had put you on the spot. He his eyes darkened and gave an evil, mischievous glint.
"I'll have to silence you." he said as he pulled out a knife and inspected the sharp blade. "Don't make me use it." he said threateningly. You bit your lip and sunk into your seat, while staring at the blade in horror. "Next question." he demanded. 'Ok what should I ask?' you questioned yourself. Where had you heard that voice? Where had you seen that mask? You searched your brain for it. Where? OK, so you had seen it in a YouTube video before. ugh the memory was so distant! Which YouTube video? Which YouTube channel? Suddenly you fit all the pieces together, as you realized who it was behind the mask.
"Oh my god!" you exclaimed at him, your eyes were wide. "You're not? No, it can't be." you were thinking out loud. You look deep into his wide emerald eyes. "You're that YouTuber Pyrocynical aren't you?" you asked.


Hey fam, it's your girl back with another chapter (shut up Alice) OK OK I will! I hope you enjoyed this chapter this is hopefully where it gets good you know XD I should probz sleep its almost 2am. Goodnight people! see you next time. (I know emerald is a common descriptive word, but I couldn't think of anything that fit. I didn't want to say green... any way. nighty night.

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