What Really Happened?

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As soon as Zay left Farkle chased after him. "Zay! Zay wait up!" Farkle nearly screamed and Zay stopped "what?" Zay asked and they continued to walk. Zay sounded kind of mad. "Where are you going? You just left Lucas when he needed you most!" Farkle said.

"If Riley left Maya to talk to Lucas I can leave Lucas to talk to Maya!" Zay said. "That makes logical sense" Farkle said as he followed zay to Maya's house. Once they arrived zay flung the door open without knocking.

"Well that was rude" Smackle said, she was sitting on Maya's writing desk, she was actually spinning on the spiny chair. Maya was sitting on her bed, crossed legged wither her hands in her lap. She wasn't crying anymore.

Katy and Topanga were in the kitchen but they came in when they herd the door open. "What brings you gentlemen here?" Katy asked "Riley figured out what happened and it pissed of Lucas. Then he was on the floor saying he could've hurt Maya" Farkle said rather fast.

Maya looked up at Farkle. "Lucas thinks he hurt me?" Maya asked "Riley said it was something to do with a guy called James" zay said. "This had nothing to do with James." Maya said. "But that's not the point! Lucas thinks he hurt me?" Maya asked again,

"Yeah, Riley told him that he hurt you by leaving you" Farkle said. "Well Riley needs to mind her own damn business!" Maya said "Maya honey calm down. What actually happened between you and Lucas?" Katy asked.

Maya took a deep breath then said, "Lucas knew that I had a thing for Josh when we were younger. But I don't anymore. I stopped liking josh when I realized I liked Lucas. Which was at least twelve years ago."

"But?'' Zay asked as he inched closer to Maya "But the other day Josh decided he wanted to 'hang out' with Lucas. Josh threatened to hurt me if Lucas stayed with me so Lucas left... he didn't tell my but he didn't have to" Maya said.

"Riley said the exact same thing except it was that James guy. Not Josh" zay said. "That's because I would never tell Riley what Josh did. So I made up James. Everything Josh did to me I would tell Riley but I would say it was this guy called James" Maya said.

"So James was a code word" Farkle said. "Yeah. Lucas knew that James is Josh so when he heard me talking to Riley the other day about 'James' he knew Josh was back and he went to look for him. It didn't end well." Maya said.

"What?" Someone asked. Everyone looked up at the door To see Riley.

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