Prologue: The silhouette in the wind

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(Sorry if it's long! You can skip ahead to chapter 1 is you'd like, although this helps to provide background information for upcoming chapters!)

The little princess stumbled through the snow, and collapsed in the center of the furious storm her fear had created. Tears flowing, Elsa yelled her misery and dismay, making her storm answer strongly in agreement. She wrapped her arms around her knees and rested her head against them, trying to forget about the world as she poured her heart out to the wind.

Minutes passed after which she warily looked up, as she felt she wasn't alone. She squinted in the distance, where she thought she saw movement through the ongoing blizzard.

Her eyes widened as she noticed that further away a transparent human figure had appeared in the wind, its shape contoured by the blistering snow. The outline of a seemingly invisible boy was cut into the horizon, undisturbed by the force of the storm as it approached her cautiously.

Elsa, paralyzed, held her breath when the silhouette was finally crouching on its toes before her at arm's reach. They remained frozen in the storm, Elsa's sight locked on staring eyes she couldn't see.

Before she could react she felt the sudden tap of wood on her nose, and a strange tingle was felt through her body. For no apparent reason, a grin crept up on Elsa's face.

She felt no longer tormented, and it seemed as if she had forgotten the reason she was outside. Sadness had made room for joy, a feeling that the little princess hadn't felt in a long time.

Her smile suddenly turned into a stare of awe as the silhouette slowly became concrete, filling in the empty space contoured by the raging snow.

Out of thin air, colours melted themselves into a face, a cloak, a wooden staff. Finally the eyes of the silhouette had faded into a piercing blue, still locked with Elsa's. 

The entity had revealed itself to be a white haired, pale boy that crouched before her with a long wooden staff leaning on his right shoulder. He grinned widely, with an honest look of cheer that made the little princess smile once more.

"Ha, it seems the first person to see me has also done my job!" he said with good humour.

His words reminded Elsa of the blizzard she'd accidentally created, yet looking around she saw but the sheen of the sun on the endless immaculate snow, the still air emphasizing its desolate look. White gleaming waves made up the new landscape she had made of the castle courtyard, whose walls were covered in the retreating flood of snow.

"Your abilities are amazing," he went on. "You surpass everything I've ever seen, and to create something like this in the state you were in is incredible..."

His smile faded as a thought crossed his mind, and changed into a thoughtful look as he put his free hand on her shoulder. "If your powers are what pain you, don't let them ever again. You are blessed with an incredible talent, no matter what others think."

At that moment the frozen front doors of the castle bursted open, and the king stumbled out followed by his personal guard. His worried look set itself on Elsa, who turned back at him as she sat alone in the center of the yard.

"Elsa!", he shouted. "Elsa, come back inside darling! You'll catch a chill!" Not caring of the fact he was underdresses the king started trudging through the snow to fetch his daughter on his own, ignoring his men's protests.

"Can you promise me that Elsa?", the boy continued, turning Elsa's attention back at him. "That you'll never forget what I've told you?"

"But... I'm dangerous, I hurt my little sister without meaning to..." She protested.

"Yes, your abilities are dangerous but I'll bet you've been told that so many times that you can no longer see the beauty in it. Control it, and embrace it. Promise?"

"I... I promise."

The lad's grin resurfaced, and taking his hand off Elsa's shoulder he slowly got to his feet.

"Looks like your ride is here," he said, looking behind Elsa.

She turned around and saw her father a few feet away, plodding through the snow that was up to his knees. "Elsa..." he said with the same worried tone.

She ran the short distance left between them and hugged his waist. She could feel the tears burning her eyes again

"I'm sorry Daddy, I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright sweety, let's just get you inside. People are bound to get suspicious about this, even if we're in January..."

He lowered hiself to her level and gave her a very seriously in the eyes. "Elsa, when we get back inside, you have to answer every question that the storm just happened to have started when you were upset, understood?"

Elsa hesitated. She thought of what the boy had just told her and made her swear to do. As if seeking his approval she turned to face him... but he was no longer there.

The princess was perplex as to how her mind might have tricked her that entire time, but also felt somewhat betrayed as she stared at the air where the boy had been standing. Reaching some decision Elsa then looked up decisively at her father.


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