The Mini woods

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It was the end of the day still bell wrong to say that it was the end of school and everyone is rushing out. I got a glimpse of what some of the monsters looks like a Panther, a monkey two tigers, two peacocks, and a crocodile.

I'll have to learn their names later

Third POV
Little did (y/n) know that she was being carefully watched by someone.

(y/ns) Pov

I was walking home thinking about how I'd introduce myself to the new monsters in school. Before I knew it i was at my house,I unlocked the door and walked in. Trust falling straight on the couch as soon as I was in reach. I grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels.

(Y/n):Disney channel, no Disney jr,no Disney XD,no. UG THERES NOTHING ON TV!! 😶 Oh wait Science Chanel. Ooo HOW IT MADE!! YES!!
I read the info to see what the show would be going over on this episode ketchup,
swings,and snakes. Darn. I've already seen this episode.At this I decided to go out side and walk in the mini woods that I had close to my back yard. I had always like playing in those woods when I was little.
A short walk later
I'm walking in the​ mini woods when
I turn to the noise

I walk towards the noise readying myself for what animal this could be when
*BAM* Im tackled to the ground by a man
He has me in a position where I can't move anything but my legs and head.

Evil man: Give me everything on you or else!!
The man put a gun up to my head
He didn't cover up my mouth... I-i can scream!
I start to kick and figet. I decided to take it up a notch.

I let out an ear piercing scream knowing  that the last thing a bad guy wants is their victim to draw attention.

???? Pov

I'm wandering around this...Mini woods? To find a that girl, she had something on her that was interesting and I wanted to find out what it was or follow her until bros done with dinner. When all of the sudden I hear a females voice screaming "HELP,HELP IM BEING KIDNAPED"

I look around to locate where the sound is coming from,it looks like I found my snack I heard the females voice again but this time it's an ear piercing scream that China could hear......... then it stopped. I go as fast as I can to the area.

I see a girl around my human age trying to stand upright most likely from being dizzy from screaming like that and a grown man holding his ears from the scream I examined the grown man he has something in his hand and it looks a little to girly to be his.

Both the man and the girl recover from the scream the girl noticed me first.As soon as she saw me her eyes widened and she was......tearing up?

The man walked up to her she backed up keeping her eyes locked on me she bumped into a tree behind her.

Evil Man: heh heh heh little girl you shouldn't of do that...HEY LOOK AT ME YOU ****** ******* IDOIT.

She continued to stare at me fear had consumed her entirely I could smell the fear coming off of her.The man studied her then following her eyes, he turned around. The man jump at sight of me and immediately pointed his gun at me. Before he could ever pull the trigger I lifted my tail and hit him on top of the head causing him to KO.I grabed the necklace and aproached the girl. I was going over to comfort her and ask her if this necklace was hers.

(y/ns) Pov

Snake... Mom...Dad .....Run ...Eaten....Death....Die ....Bitten .. Swallowed whole.  Was the only thing rushing through my mind. The man is either going to shot me or im going to get eaten alive by a 35 ft snake... with a skeleton top? He looked like a centaur but the bottom was a snake and the top was a skeleton. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the whip of the snakes tail it hit the man on the head...I'm next.

The snake starts to approach me...Closer... Closer...closer.

(This video was basically you)
I ran and I ran and I ran until I reached my house. I wasn't gonna be able to sleep knowing there's a HUGE snake near my house.

Snaking My Way to Your Heart  (Naga!Sans x reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now