An introduction to who I am.

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[the two months ago flashback]

Mom entered my room and started yelling. " Emana if you don't get your ass up and start cleaning your room right now,guess what? YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET DINNER !!."
"What on earth mom, my room is CLEAN. (It really was,only two of my books were messed up) ". Mom left giving me an stink eye. So yeah this is my life. My name is Emana. I am 17years old. I go to bridge highschool and I have an acute pleasure for reading. And yes let's get started about my name. It is the weirdest name ever. It probably sounds like a Spanish liquor or something that you would name a cow you pet. Let me explain. My name is the combination of my parents names Emma & Nate. They say that it means that the love of the sun and the moon is both towards me but I cannot digest that load of crap. I love them , but sometimes they're like super annoying but I know there is no escape from this. Well you wanna something I believe in? I believe that if we are ourselves everyday we will be remembered. That if we are wierd we'll be remembered, if we do shit we are remembered, unique shit though. There will be a time where we all are sitting on that arm chair and thinking about our school days and friends and people and I believe we will not remember that girl who used to sit in that lonely corner of the class or have the perfect grades we'll probably remember that girl who wouldn't shut up that girl who made others smile that girl who was so jolly and happy you'd think that she'd spit out a rainbow any minute. Maybe they'll call you "THAT.GIRL WHO WOULDN'T CALM HER CRAP" but guess what? They'll remember you . What else. Hmmmm.....Oak trees. That's something in itself. So beautiful, elegant that if it were a human I'd like to take it to Vegas with me and show it a good time.
Well I started developing feelings for it after I was introduced to the poem "there by the lake" it goes somewhat like this:

I see the happiness and breeze by that tree
Still, standing there quite so unique

Treasure of god, by that lake you'll see
Still, standing there quite so unique

Away from the horrors that love can't conquer
Still, standing there quite so unique

And from dust to life and life to dust
She is the only beauty that I've ever admired

Standing there, my only pleasure
The oak tree, there by the lake.

Here it is . The only thing I've fallen for after 250 celebrities. You know I am know to have reached level 100 for my sarcasm.
This is it , this is who Emana markinpoopinsteincocopoo is .
No I am Just kidding, it's only Emana Markins.

So yes this is what basically my life looks like, like any other girl who is 17 and doesn't do drugs and stays home and watches Netflix's for like forever. I didn't loathe my life,but there wasn't anything so Special about it . Until later today.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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