Look At It Through My Eyes

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I am 100% for same-sex marriage. I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with people who love someone of the same gender. I, personally, am bisexual; I like both boys and girls. If one day, I happen to love a girl and want to marry her, then I would like to be able to, and not have to go around with a bunch of “hoohaa” just so that her and I could be happy together. Marriage has changed drastically throughout the years of it’s existence; why is it so bad to change it in a minor way, just this last time? I have had a best guy friend who has recently come out as gay and I also have a friend who has been out of the closet for quite a long time now. I love them bother to pieces and hope that they will be my friends for the rest of our lives. Homosexuals are just like heterosexuals; the only difference being their sexual preference. Isn’t someone’s sexual life private? So why, then, is it such a big deal about what they do in their own home? Just as Ms. Rahja said, “They may be traveling on different roads, but they are heading to the same direction.” I will keep that with me for the rest of my life.

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