Only Love

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She stood by the foot of the bed, right behind him, silently admiring him through the mirror as he struggled to fix his tie in front of the mirror. A small smile tugged at her lips as she observed his facial features, his swift movements as he struggled with the silky material for the third time. A giggle escaped her lips when he gave up and pulled his tie away, glaring at it with frustration. Hearing her giggles, his eyes flickered to the right where he caught her laughing through the mirror. Her giggles stopped abruptly and she bit her lower lip when she caught his eye in the mirror, both of them unable to look away. He passed her a heart-stopping smile and winked, causing her cheeks to instantly warmed up and she lowered her gaze in shyness while he continued to stare at her through the mirror.

She could still feeling his eyes upon her, causing her to feel even more shy, hence she turned to avoid looking at him, unable to stop a shy smile from gracing her features. Her hands covered her face as she heard him chuckle at her cuteness behind her, causing her cheeks to turn a darker shade of red. A smirk made its way to his lips and he turned around, walking towards her, all the while clutching the tie in his right hand. Feeling her breathing increase as he neared, his heart swelled with love. Love for her. Only her. He was happy to know he had this effect on her, assuring him that she was his. Only his.

Her heartbeats increased as she felt him nearing her and her hands lowered from her face yet her eyes remained glued to the floor while she herself was unable to move. She bit her lower lip again, nervous by his closeness. He stopped right behind her and cleared his throat, causing her to release her lip and turn around slowly. Her gaze lifted to the tie when he held it up and smiled down at her. Her eyes shifted from the tie to his face and then back, silently questioning him. As an answer, he held her hand in his and placed the tie on her palm. Understanding his silent request, she visibly gulped and looked back at his face. He smiled down at her softly and motioned her to help him with the tie. She stared at him for several seconds, feeling her heart thump vigorously against her ribcage, and finally nodded and raised her shivering hands up to his neck.

While she slowly and shakily carried out her task, he continued to smile down at her with love. Her fragrance engulfed his senses and he controlled his urge to lean down and place a kiss on her rosy cheeks. He could feel his own heart beating at a high pace as a reaction to her closeness, yet he revelled in the feeling of her near him, unable to stop himself from admiring her beauty and innocence. Up close, he noticed the flecks of gold in her light brown eyes. His eyes travelled down, staring at her biting her lips in concentration. Or was that nervousness? He didn't know but he was unable to look away.

After several failed attempts, the tie was finally in place and she tightened it and moved to step back. As a reflex, his arms shot out to circle her waist and pulled her towards him. A gasp escaped her lips as she collided with his chest, her lips coming in contact with his shirt. Both of them blushed vigorously at what had just happened and her wide eyes shot up, only to meet his soft ones. She felt his hold tighten around her as he pulled her closer, never averting his gaze. Her tense muscles relaxed in his embrace and he smiled down at her lovingly while a shy smile made its way to her lips, her hands moving up to his chest and resting there.

Several moments of silence passed with the couple just staring at each other, neither moving nor looking away. And in that moment of silence, their eyes spoke a thousand words, words they were scared to convey. In that moment of silence, they came closer, not just physically, but emotionally as their hearts beat to the same rhythm. Slowly, he bent down and placed a lingering kiss on her forehead, causing their eyes to close and her hands to fist his shirt, reluctant to let go. They stayed in the same position, feeling nothing else. Only Love...

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