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As the sirens got closer and closer Hannah begin to cry. So I put maya on my back and picked up Hannah. By time the police have gotten the fires out and the house is complete brunt to a chirps. As they all pulled up they stared in horror as me and maya walk up to them with Hannah in my arms.

They ran up to us and started to ask a hole bunch of questions like

"Are you ok"

"What happen"

"Do we need to call a ambulance"

"Where's your mom"

I mean do we look ok. And if I know what happened do you think I would be standing here like idiotic goldfish because my mouth opening and closing.

I mean hell if I know were my mom was we'd be with her.

They took maya and Hannah to the hospital as to how the took me right down to the police station.

When we got there they put me in a room for like an half hour, I was half tempted to lay down on the table and go to sleep.

As soon as I thought that the door opened.

A lady with blond hair curled in pretty lose curls like a Barbie, and bright blue eyes. I envied her but didn't show it. She waked right in and sat down across from me and said

"Hi I'm jade"i look at her with a look like do I don't give a FUCK.

"what's your name"she asked


"That's a cute name, well I'm here just to ask you a few questions like I don't know, how did it start?"

When I didn't answer she looked at me with all the niceness in her eyes long gone and said"dont feel like answering? well maybe you can answer where your mother is." or when did you wake up. or what woke you up. Or even how your sister died cuase it sure the hell wasn't the fire."

I winced when she asked that, I mean it hurt a lot not physical but in my heart. The worst part was I couldn't even answer, my mouth just quaked.

I picked up body and walked past her though the door and stated waking to the hospital were maya and Hannah were.

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