~Louis pov~
I woke up yawning and rubbing my eyes,smiling but when I noticed Harry was no longer in bed I frowned.
"Harry?! Where are you?" I shouted.
A few seconds later I heard chuckling then a naked Harry walk in the room.
"Relax babe,I'm just about to go in the shower,that's all."
I nodded understandingly then asked,"May I join you?"
Harry smirked and nodded then walked back to the bathroom,turning the shower on and stepping in. I then smiled and got up,making my way to the bathroom and stepping in after him,already naked from the night before.
Harry reached over,grabbing the soap and I giggled quietly an pinched his bum. He let out a "manly yelp" then chuckled. "Sorry" I smirked.
He turned around an started to wash my chest while I washed his hair.
-5 minutes later-
Harry had a soapy rag and was washing my crotch roughly,making me moan "Baby..".He smirked as I moaned and continued to wash me. "What?" he asked innocently.
"Feels good" I mumbled.
He then stopped then turned me over and started washing my bum. I bit my lip and moved closer. He continued to wash me then slowly slipped a finger into my hole making me yelp and moan. "Baby!"
"Yes?" he smirked while pumping his finger inside me.
I gasped and moaned loudly,"F-Fuck..More Haz please more!"
He smirked devilishly and smacked my bum,saying,"Tell daddy what you want baby" then added another finger,pumping them in and out.
I gasped and moans louder. "I want you to fuck me! Please daddy!"
He then shoved another finger in then slammed me up against the shower wall,pressing his body against mine. "How badly do you want it baby?"
I yelped loudly and whimpered,"I n-need it! Daddy please! Fuck me,fuck me til I bleed! Make it where I can't walk for weeks! Ugh!" I begged.
That was all he needed to take his fingers out and shove his length into me in one thrust.
After several thrusts later I was cumming all over the shower walls while he released deeply inside me. I have 3 words to describe this.