New found love

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Well this is my first fanfic so don't be a hatter and fare this is my first stories ever. so without further ado here it is enjoy!

Chapter one a frozen face

It was a snowy day in Kanto and ash was in his warm cozy home with his mother Delia.Delia was in the kitchen fixing up some cocoa for ash

Mean while an old friend was wandering through the storm and she was freezing cold it was Serena an old friend from the Kalos region she was going to visit ash and to tell him how she felt about him but then. she fell to the cold snowy ground uncontiouse in the snow not to far from the katchum home.

Ash luckily spotted something in the snow but the window was foggy so he rubbed it off and he saw some pink so he grabbed a jacket gloves and a hat and some boots and went outside to find out what it was and was stunned to find out who it was it was his old kalos friend sarena uncontiouse in the snow so he picked her up and carried her to the house and put her on the couch with a warm blanket."who is this girl ash"She asked "it's my old friend Serena from the kalos region mom I found her uncontiouse outside in the snow" ash replied "Oh dear I'll fix her some hot chocolate for when she wakes up" so she goes into the kitchen again to fix some more hot chocolate.


Serena slowly wakes up in a warm blanket on a couch"what happened to me we're are my" she thought then she saw a women walk up to her with a platter with a cup on it and greeted her with a warm smile "hello a thought you might be thirsty and a bit cold so fixed you some cocoa"she said kindly. so Serena took the cup and said her thank you and asked we're she was and Delia told her were she was and it was were Serena wanted to be

At the ketchum residence so she asked were ash was and. Delia told her he was at the market and would be home soon but not long after the words left her mouth a familiar boy walked through the door it was ash "hey mom is she awake yet" ash asked but before Delia can reply back Serena jumped in"ya I'm awake" ash was unprepared for that so he said the first thing that came to his mind "what were you doing in this storm you could have froze to death out there!" he said "well I was coming here to visit you and to tell you something important" she said innocently Delia left sensing tension between the two of them. "we'll what did you have to say to me that is vary important "he said confused a bit " well it was just well-" "what is it" ash said anxious to know what she had to say "it's just that I wanted to say that..i...i...i love you ash after you left to come home I couldn't stop thinking about you"she said nervously. she was Afraid that ash would not feel the same but then she felt a tight embrace around her and it was ash hugging her and she melted into him " I could not stop thinking about you either serena I missed you so much and I was during to do this also." and right then he stopped the hug and kissed her right on the lips.

She melted into the kiss Delia was watching the whole thing through the kitchen.

Lol we'll thanks for reading my first fanfiction and don't be a hater it's my first fanfic.

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