Chapter 17

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  I wake up, the light coming in from the window blinding me. I try to sit up, but a strong arm is holding me down. I look over and see Niall fast asleep, his arm still around my waist. I look over and see Hailey and Louis cuddled together. I smile to myself and lay my head back down on Niall's shoulder.

  A few minutes pass by and Niall slowly starts to wake up. I look up at him and see that he's smiling down at me.

  "Morning, Princess." He says in his sleepy Irish accent. Normally if someone else would've called me that, I would've slapped them. But, with Niall, it was different. Instead, I send him a smile, my eyes locking onto his blue ones.

  "Awwww. You guys are so cute together." Someone whispers behind me. I turn around and see Hailey awake, trying to pry Louis' arm off her that was holding her onto the couch.

  "Need help?" Niall asks, seeing her struggle.

  "Yeah. I don't want to wake him." She says. Me and Niall get up to help free Hailey from Louis' grip. I gently lift Louis' arm and try to set it down on his lap, but instead, I accidentally hit him in the face.

  "Wha-what's going on?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

  "I was just trying to get up, but your arm trapped me." She explains.

  "Sorry about that." He says, slightly laughing. "But next time, just wake me up. I won't get mad if that's what you're worried about." He says.

  "Okay. Sorry." She says.

  "Don't apologize. It was my arm that had you trapped." Louis says. She laughs and they get up. We all walk into the kitchen, quietly, trying not to wake anyone up.

  "So what do you guys want for breakfast?" Hailey asks when we reach the kitchen. I shrug my shoulders and start looking through the cabinets.

  "How about some of those Irish Pancakes? Those were pretty good." Niall says, patting his stomach. Louis agrees and we start getting the stuff out to make the pancakes. Me and Niall start digging through drawers to get the shamrock shaped cookie cutters while Hailey and Louis start working on making the actual pancakes.

  Once we find the cookie cutters, Hailey and Louis already have some pancakes made. Me and Niall start putting the cookie cutters in the pancakes and setting the shamrock pancakes on a separate plate, while setting the scraps in Belle's food bowl.

  When all of the pancakes are done, everybody else has already woken up. They were all sitting on the couch, watching TV. I bring the plate of pancakes in the living room and set them on the coffee table. I sit down next to Niall, grabbing a pancake, just as another news report comes on.

  "This just in, we have recently received new information on Mike Green that is in Lost Springs, Alabama. We have recently found his mug shot and got the chance to talk to the local police officers about this 'mysterious' figure. It seems that he is, in fact, slightly dangerous with a bad temper and does unexpected things. While he was imprisoned in a small town in Wyoming, police officers claim that he was always muttering something about his daughter. There is no other information on Mike Green. But, here is some advice for all the people in the Lost Springs area: don't travel alone! That is all and have a great day." The TV anchor says. Tears start to spill out of my eyes as I run to the bathroom and lock the door. I can hear everybody run after me, but I don't care. I need time to think.

  "Anna! Open the door!" I hear Hailey yell from outside the door. I ignore the pounding on the door and crawl to the corner farthest from it. I bring my knees up to my chest and lay my forehead on my knees. The pounding continues, but I ignore it. My tears start to fall as my mind takes me to another flashback.
  I wake up in a room that's unfamiliar to me. It has white walls that have pictures of medical stuff on them. On the wall to the right if me, there is a window that faces the parking lot. I look down and notice that I am in a hospital gown with a medical bracelet attached to my left wrist.
  Just as I'm observing the room, a man in a white lab coat walks in. He's carrying a clipboard and is wearing a stethoscope around his neck.
  "Hello, Anna. How are you today?" He asks. I try to speak, but nothing comes out. Instead, I just nod my head.
  "Good. Now you're probably wondering what's going on." He says. I nod my head as he continues. "Well during the... incident, there was an accident that caused you to have surgery. With the surgery, there was a risk that you wouldn't be able to talk. And, that's why you can't talk. I'm truly sorry.
  The good news is that you get to go home today! I'll have your aunt sign you out at the front desk and then you're all set to go. Have a good day." He says, walking out. As soon as the door shuts, I slowly get up and walk to the window. While I look out at the nearly empty parking lot, all the memories of the incident flooding back into my mind. The tears spill out if my eyes uncontrollably as I think that I'll never be able to talk again. I won't be able to sing and continue writing songs, I can't talk to anybody at all. I can't believe this is happening. I think to myself.

  I snap back to reality, still laying in a corner in the bathroom. The pounding on the door has stopped and I'm still in my pajamas.

  I jump as someone knocks on the door. The knocking continues in a steady beat. I slowly get up and walk to the door. I quietly unlock the door and twist the knob. I creak open the door, but jump back when Niall falls back into the bathroom. He quickly gets up and dusts himself off.

  "Hey. Are you okay?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders and he pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck.

  "I'll always be here for you. You can come to me with anything." He whispers in my ear. I smile and nod my head against his chest. He pulls back, eyes locking to mine.

  "How about we go downstairs and watch some more movies?" He asks. I smile and nod my head again, my eyes not leaving his.

  "Lovebirds! Get your butts down here! We're watching Finding Nemo!" Hailey yells. Niall laughs as we head into the living room. We sit down on the couch as the movie begins. Niall interlaces his fingers with mine and I smile, forgetting about my little episode in the bathroom.

  I look at the clock above the TV. 9:48 P.M. Was I out for that long? I think to myself. I shrug it off and go back to watching the movie. This is just what I need. I think to myself. My friends and my boyfriend. I still can't believe I'm dating the Niall Horan. Wait, what about the hate? I could barely stand a few girls at my school. How am I going to survive millions of fans all over the world? They'll be telling me off in different languages!

  Niall notices my worried face and starts drawing random shapes on my hand with his thumb.

  "Don't worry about the fans. You won't be alone." He whispers loud enough only for me to hear. I smile as my worries go away. He always does that. Makes all my worries and doubts go away.

  I lay my head on his shoulder and end up falling asleep watching Finding Nemo.

Hey!!! So there's new information on this Mike guy. I wonder who he is...hmmm...Wait! I know who he is!! Hehehe...

Next update will be in a few days! I still have ghost readers so vote or comment to let me know you're there!

Also, I just want to thank you lovely peoples!! We are almost at 400 reads already! And just the other day we were a little past 300!!!!! I love you all so much you have no idea!!

Well, update in a few days! Until then vote, comment, and share this story with others!! I want my name out there!! See ya later!!!!!!!

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