Chapter 19

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  "Should we wake them up?"

  "No. They look so cute together!" My eyes flutter open and I see five people standing in front of me.

  "Take a picture, it lasts longer." I hear Niall mutter from beside me. He opens his eyes, instantly locking them on mine. "Morning."

  I smile and look back to the group surrounding us. I give them a confused look that only Hailey understands.

  "Well Curly over here," She said, pointing to Harry, "wanted to wake you guys up, but I told him not to. So instead, he took a picture."

  "Yeah. It's pretty good if I do say so myself." He says, showing us the picture. It was of me and Niall asleep, cuddled together. I blush, slightly embarrassed.

  "Awww, she's blushing! She likes it!" Hailey says. I roll my eyes and sit up. Niall sits up too as everybody else sits down.

  "So what do you guys want to do today?" Zayn asks. I shrug my shoulders and pull out my phone. I unlock my phone and look at my wallpaper. It was a small piece of paper against a blurry forest that says "If I'm louder, would you see me?" I always loved that part of the song; it had different meanings with me.

  "I like your wallpaper. Is that a quote from More Than This?" Niall asks, looking over my shoulder. I nod my head, smiling. That's one reason I have it as my background on my phone: Niall was my absolute favorite out of all of them. He laces his fingers with mine and I smile like an idiot. He just laughs as I keep smiling.

  "So, seriously, what do you guys want to do? Besides smile at each other all day?" Zayn asks.

  "How about soccer?" Hailey suggests. I nod my head, excitedly. I used to play soccer when I was little before the incident.

  "Sure. Let me go get the football." Louis says, jumping up. I get confused for a second before I remember that football is just another name for soccer. I think the U.S. might be the only ones who call the sport soccer. I know Spain and all the countries around there call it football.

  "C'mon." Hailey says, snapping me out of my thoughts. I get up and run outside with everybody else.

  "Where are we going to play? Our yard's too small." Louis says. Me and Hailey look at each, sharing the same thought.

  "Me and Anna know a really good place. Follow us." She says as we start walking towards the woods. We find the secret path and continue walking.

  "Where are we going?" Niall asks.

  "You'll have to wait and see." Hailey says. I smile thinking about the place where I used to practice playing soccer when I visited. I look ahead, excited to see the place.

  "Ta-da!" Hailey says, spreading her arms out to show off the place where we just arrived. It was a big open field that has two fridge boxes on both sides to serve as the goals. Nothing's changed. I think to myself.

  "This place is awesome!" Louis says.

  "I agree. Now who's on who's team?" Liam asks. I pull Niall and Hailey, who pulls Louis, to on side of the field.

  "Okay, so that's the teams. Flip a coin to see who goes first?" He asks. Zayn pulls out a quarter and gets ready to flip it.

  "Tails never fails!" Hailey says. Zayn flips the coins and it lands on tails.

  "Okay. You guys get the ball first." Liam says, walking towards the other end of the field. our team gets in a huddle.

  "Who plays what?" Louis asks.

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