Chapter 3

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  I stood there mesmerized. He was good looking, I was right! My heart skipped a beat as I knocked lightly. I saw through the window t

hat he froze .

"Mr.McCormick?" I said softly.            Mr.McCormick POv

I knew this disguise would work! High school girls are so shallow, just because I look different, doesn't mean I'm not a good guy! I mean, I shouldn't care, this is what I wanted right?

Right, I heard a knock on the door and froze. Great, who is it now, I'm out of disguise!

  "Mr. McCormick?" A soft voice called. Kahlan. I sighed, at least it wasn't someone else

  My feet glided to the doorway and before I knew what I was doing, I opened the door, letting her in.

Should I play it off? I mean, I don't want to! I hate lying, although it did help me through...  

"Mr.McCormick?" Her voice rang through me again.  

"Hi, Kahlan was it?" I asked, she nodded.

"Let me explain." She held up her hand.  

"No need to Mr.McCormick, it's not my business. I just came here for my book."

She handed me a small piece of paper and I just stared at it.   "What's this?" I asked, looking the paper up and down.  

"It's a pass, to go somewhere, weird I know but, it serves it's purpose."   I stared at her, she seemed perfect, but I cant get close to anyone.

Who knows, maybe he knows.   I didn't realize that she was almost out the door.  

"Kahlan," she froze halfway out the door. She turned, smiling at me, That smile was something perfect. Like her again. Then I realized what I wanted to tell her.

"Can you not tell anyone? Please"


  "Of course," with those two words she walked out. Shit, I hate this hiding my real self.           

                     Kahlan Pov

I was terrified. That looked nothing like the nerdy teacher I knew. Or thought I knew. Great, Today is going to suck, I can tell.

"Kahlan! Get up!" My dad's voice rang.

  "I'm up already!" I yelled back. And I was, I woke up really early, I was showered and dressed. I sat on my bed, my leg bouncing in anxiety.

My head pounding from lack of sleep. Dressed in an white Aeropastale short sleeve shirt, a blue cami underneath.

My favorite Faded Glory jeans. Today though, I left my hair down. Sighing I added a little makeup, black eyeliner and pink lip gloss.

Nothing major, I didn't want to look like a raccoon. I slipped downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast. "Is Terra here yet?"

I asked my mom who in fact was standing in front of me. My mom had brownish black hair, my eyes, well her eyes. The same color.  

"Not yet, why?" she answered looking down at the pancakes she was making. Sighing I nodded as chewing.

  "Hi Mom! Hi Kahlan." Terra said as barging in. Terra and I were on the Mom and Dad stage with our parents. I liked it, it felt stuffy saying Mr. or Mrs. Insert last name. I hated being formal like that.  

"Hi Terra, extra chocolate?" My mom asked my best friend as she sat down besides me.

"Mom, do you know me at all? Of freaking Course!" Terra exclaimed loudly right next to my ear.

"I heard you guys got a new English teacher." My mom started, my hands starting to get clammy at the mention of Mr.McCormick.  

"Yeah, he's nerdy, and weird." Terra started. I finished off my toast and orange juice before stating.  

"That's shallow, Ter. I mean people could change, he could come in all dreamy like today."  

" What was that?" My mom asked, hopefully not hearing the anger in my voice.

  "Nothing," I responded quickly, grabbing Terra by the hand and dragging her out of my house .

"We had time left! Your mom is such a better cook than mine! I wanted more!" Terra whined.  

"I have to tell you something. But start driving so we can talk on the road." I climbed in and waited until we were almost to school to pipe up.  

"You know Mr.McCormick?"

"Yes captin obvious"

"Okay Sargent Sarcasm, I mean, I'm not suppose to tell you this but." I stopped talking.

For dramatic effect.   "What, spit it out already!"  

"He is totally a 'major babe'" I said quoting what she said  the first day. She looked at me shocked.   "No freaking way! How do you know!"

  "I saw him, absolute amazing looking!" I laughed glad to get that out in the open. Soon enough we pulled into a parking spot. I saw Mr. McCormick, getting out of a black SUV type car. Terra pinched me, she must have saw him too.  

"Well, here goes nothing."

Terra got out and just as she went to go talk to Mr.McCormick the bell rang. I sat as still as possible, did she really just try to approach him?   I told her not to! I sighed and stepped out of the car. Great, bad mood all day now.

The day went by fast again. Next thing I knew it was almost time to go home, I had two more classes left, one being English. Great, I though to myself. Sighing I sat down. Staring out the window, I sigh to much, i think it's unhealthy. Can't wait for this stupid day to be over with.

  Mr.McCormick went over how we are gong to do our essay, blah blah, I blocked it all out 10 minutes into his lesson. I glanced at the clock up from my organizer he said we had to do. 5 more minutes, then one last period, then freedom! The bell rang, and I stood up, knocking my books over.  

"C'mon, one easy day please?" I begged to no one in particular. I crouched down and started picking things up when I felt eyes on me.

Soon Mr.McCormick bent down and took the last paper I had.

The one that I started writing on. Not even my essay, just a short story, I got the idea while doing the work and scribbled it down.

"C-C-Can I have that back now?" I stuttered. I closed my eyes at my horrible speaking, need to work on that. I took a deep breath, opening my eyes to see he was smiling, at my paper.  

"Funny, humorous," was all he said before handing it back to me. Smiling at me, once again I had a couple of words, ones that would have made a sentance, if he didnt smile at me.

  "Thanks" I said a little more confidently. People said my writing improved from where I started from, never saying it was bad or good.

Just Improved. "Listen, I saw you were in a bad mood, but, since I know you more than the others." He shook his head as if annoyed with himself

  "I have to get to class or I will be late,"

Just as I finished my sentance, the late bell rang. "Great" I muttered,

"Late, again."   "I'm sorry, do you need me to call your next teacher or something?" I shook my head , "No but a pass will do." I said, he went to his desk and frowned.  

"What does the pass look like?" He asked me. I searched his messy desk before finally finding it.

He filled it out, and I was halfway out the door when I heard him call to me.   "Do you think you could stay afterschool with me, I don't quite know where everything is!" I turned to face him his eyes wide. Did he really ask me that?  

"Well," I started, then I looked into his eyes. They were dark, not in color but he seemed to be in pain. Almost wishing for something, the eyes took my breath away. His eyes, hazel color, looked as if he wasnt just someone disguised, someone that had or has a reason for the things he did.  

Without thinking, I said "Sure, why not?

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