Jerrie's Friendship

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We were on the campus back to our school it took 40minutes, it really wasn't that far. I was the last to get off, I turned my eyes to the right when I saw someone kissing Zayn.

It wasn't just a regular kiss when you say hi then bye to someone it was like a 'I really love you, your my boyfriend forever, kiss'

I kicked Zayn shoes, he turned around I said 'Sorry you just had a little dirt on the back if your shoe.

Jade! 'Said zayn's shocked face'

'Jade, Hey jade, i missed you so much'

"I missed you to, Pez I'm going to the bathroom catch you later".

When Perrie was kissing his neck, Zayn turned around and gave me the 'Don't ever come near me again' look.


What did I just seriously do, and saw ?


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