Never Going Back CH.2

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I sat there and looked at my mother. Her arms fell, so did I. I fell down bawling, and then, I passed out. The doctors rushed me to a different room to get me better. I woke up with 4 doctors looking at me. They all said, "We are sorry Carter." I asked where my mom was. They all looked at me and said. "You have been asleep for a day, she is in the a cemetary now. I balled and ran out of the room, the doctors tried to pass me but I shoved my way through and rushed out like a bullet. I never looked back I just kept running, I was trying to remember, "Your ok Carter, your ok.." I knew I wasn't ok I found the cemetery, I looked everywhere for hours. That's when I spotted a new, not crooked or rusty tombstone on it. I bolted over there and saw what it said.


1978 to 2013

That was my mom, I fell down and felt the tombstone. My heart slowed down and so did the earth, I cried and slept the whole night right next to the tombstone, I had the chance to sleep with her one more time. I woke up in the middle of the night when I realized, I can't do anything now, I had no family members, we lived in an apartment, I had to get some stuff before I.. I.. I run away. I wanted to rest for another hour, sleeping out in the dark is scary. Especially in a grave yard. I probably shouldn't of watched some Walking Dead because I was freaking out. I decided at sunrise I would rush to my house "old house" get supplies and get out of there until some creepy person tries to stop me. I scrunched up into a ball and sat there desperate, scared and alone.

At Sunrise...

I woke up when I saw the sun coming up, perfect timing, got to go quick. Luckily it was still dark outside a little, so some cars that came buy couldn't see me. I turned to see my house, or, my old house, I ran like I was being chased. I ran without looking back, missing where I used to have the best times with my family, home sweet home. I arrived to my house and my heart sank when I saw what was at the door. So many cards and flowers and balloons were hung up. I teared up. I felt like I should go to an adoption center, no I can't do that. I can only have one mom and she is the best person to me. I ran in, the house looking usual like always, except the missing part, my mom. I grabbed my duffel bag that I used and started stacking in as much supplies as I could. I had to hurry before anyone else came in the morning to pray or drop off a gift. I got my bag all settled up, when I about to bolt out something caught my eye. A photo, of my family, I stared at the photo, I ran up and grabbed it. Then I headed out to start my journey.

2 years later..

I got caught, after two years of hiding and surviving and stealing. I was running and then I ran into someone. This person grabbed my arm and said "Come with me." He knew I was homeless, and so was he. He said "It will be a good place for you." That's when I got so mad I was about to punch him. He took me to an adoption center. He said I was going to find a good family. Like I care, no one will ever be as good parents as mine to me. I will have to get out of here. He walked in an checked me in. Surprisingly he had his ID. He signed me up. The lady said to say your goodbyes acting like this guy was my dad and I will never see him again. Instead, I just walked I to my place. I was put in a room, a bed, a nightstand, and some cool magazines and stuff to do. It wasn't like I was locked in there. I just didn't want to go out. That was until they called me. I thought I got adopted and someone was going to take me. My stomach got all tight and I got scared. Then I stopped, and got all happy. This place had this huge cafeteria to get such good foods. I haven't had a full meal since I took money and went to Wendy's when I was 11. I got as much I could on my plate. The only problem was, where do I sit. I just got here and I don't want to meet anyone. I spotted an empty table and headed there and chugged my food. Oh yeah, where am I? I am in Georgia. Atlanta is such a beautiful city. I finished and placed my plate for the cleaning ladies to wash it. I walked back to my room and something caught my eye. Showers? No way, I haven't showered forever. I jogged to my room, got a pair of clothes from my duffle bag that I still have and went to the shower room. It shocked me that there wasn't that much people, but I didn't care, I just wanted a shower. I slipped of my clothes and turned on the water. It felt so good, all the dirt finally came off me, I felt so clean. After a couple of minutes I got out, dried off, and headed to bed. I really wish I could stay, but I could be adopted any day. I need to get out by tomorrow I thought. I hoped into my cozy bed and slept away. I got to actually lay down for once on a bed. Then I drifted away to sleep..

I woke up next day to an alarm. Really? I looked. at the clock and it was 7 A.M. Why do they have to wake us up so early? I got out of bed so tired. I just wanted to go back to bed. We had to eat breakfast this early. Why can't we just wake up at like 8 or 9 like really. When I was eating my morning breakfast, which was waffles and scrambled eggs. I thought of when I was leaving, that's when I found out that tomorrow everyone is going outside for a candy hunt. I mean, who doesn't love candy, but it would be a perfect time to escape. The only problem was that I heard guards stay outside because kids have escaped before, I have to be careful. I finally finished up my meal and went back to my room. I sat down on my bed thinking. About what happened 2 years ago when my mom died. I had run away and traveled all the way to Georgia. Two years from then, I'm here still alive. I am only 12 and I have made it this far. I felt like a champ, if that is good for this situation. I got out of my pajamas and changed into normal clothes. I laid down on my bed and read a book they gave me. It was about a boy and a girl. They found each other and were being chased by an evil ruler. They have special powers but they don't know. It's a good book, I am going to have to bring this when I get away: which is tomorrow. I kept reading on until I got bored. I headed to get a quick snack that they had. Graham crackers are pretty good. They also gave me milk. Yum, I gobbled down the meal and threw away my trash. I went to the living room. They had a tv here, it has felt like decades since I had watched anything. Luckily, they had an episode of "Spongebob" on. It has always been a favorite to me so it was awesome to watch it. I got to lay down on a comfy couch for a couple of episodes. After that, I was ready for dinner. I had a Turkey Sandwich with cheetos, also with water to drink. It was very yummy, but what was so clever, I went out for extras, and I got so much food to bring. I got 3 water bottles, 2 bags of chips, 3 granola bars, and 2 cheeseburgers. I was so glad. I skipped to my room and stuffed the goods in my bag. I then hopped onto my bed and rested for a good nights sleep. Alarm, again. I woke up and had a tight feeling in my stomach. This is the day I am taking off. I acted all normal around the other kids. I got breakfast, stealing more food still, and sat down at a table. I got a 2 bagels, cream cheese, a glass of milk, and a donut. They serve everything here! I wanted to stay another day, but I heard rumors about how this family was looking to adopt four boys. I knew I couldn't stay. I finished another meal up and headed to throw my stuff away. When I was walking I suddenly got shoved, I looked over to see this lady. We both apoligized and I headed to the trash can. Something was wrong though. She looked sad, she had a desperate look that she lost a kid. I felt pain in my heart, but I just stopped thinking about it. I threw away my stuff and looked up at the clock, it was 10:25. The time everyone went outside was 12, so I just got packed up, the people recommended bringing a pack so I told them I would bring my duffel. (Cause I am leaving) But that didn't matter cause they thought I was just another normal kid. I got everything ready and it was 11:45. Ok I am going to get extra food. I went to the cafeteria and asked if there was any snacks. They had a fruit bags and salads. I had to stay healthy so I grabbed both bags. I looked up at the clock. 11:53, I had one idea, blankets. I went and grabbed one. I told the lady I was using it for tonight when I sleep. Yeah, when I sleep away from this place but they won't know. I grabbed the comfiest blanket and headed back to my room, stacked up everything and looked at the clock. 12:00, here we go. All the kids ran out the door with bags. I saw a couple of guards so I stayed away from that area. I then saw an opening. I looked around, waiting for no one too look at me. I faced forward and took off. Not even looking back..

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