Finding out

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"Who's that little fellow?" Sutan asked as Karl showed everyone the newest video of his nephew that his sister sent him. Just about everyone in the dressing room -including Roy- cooed as the little guy mumbled incoherent words. In the background is a female's voice, eerily familiar to Sutan.

"Oh it's my nephew..." Karl replied off handedly before showing the gang another video. This one was one of tgetoddler rolling over.

"I didn't know Kelly had a baby." Sutan commended, a little puzzled.

"Oh he's not hers, he's Charlie's." a few pair of eyes widened, including Karl's who just realized his error.

Upon hearing this, Sutan grabbed the iPad and started scrolling through it's galley to find more videos or photos. Hi finally settled in one, it was of Charlie holding a newborn. He felt like he was staring at one of his newborn photos. It is taken to what seemes to be a hospital room. The woman in question is looking at the baby lovingly. She looks worn and tired but for some reason he found her really beautiful. There was this glow radiating from her.

The child, wrapped in a blue cloth kind of reminded Sutan of a child he knows. Same chubby cheeks and nose. Chubby cheeks that he sure will loose one day and that button nose will look more structured in the future. He was sure of it. Why? Because this newborn reminds him of well, him.

"How old is he?" Sutan demanded, his voice very manly and intimidating. Not waiting for a response, he looked at the photo's time stamp. It was dated mid-September. Almost ten months ago. "When is his birthday?"

"September 26th..." Karl said. Without thinking, Sutan did the math in his mind

"What's his name?" Sutan asked again. His eyes glue to the little baby on the photo, his index finger absentmindedly carresing it.

"Kersen. His name is Kersen. Kersen Charles--." before Karl could finish what he is about to say, Sutan interruoted him.

"Kersen? She named him Kersen..." was all the asian man could say before everything started spinning and turning black.

A/N: If anyone wants to collaborate or use this as their plot just PM me. Thanks!

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