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***Sutan's POV***

"Why did you brought him here?" I heard a familiar voice say as I started coming around. She sounds familiar. I think they are talking about me. "And you put him in that room!"

"Where should I put him? In mine? In yours?" Karl replied. The latter part insinuating. I could almost hear his eyebrows wiggling. "Besides I am not going to leave him there out cold."

Wait... Why am I in Karl's other guestroom? And why is there a bouncer in the corner? and a playpen... Playpen... Bouncer..  BABY! Charlie... Kersen...

All the questions just came rushing out. But by this time, I didn't get dizzy or anything. I came to a realization.

"I am a father!" I probably said it a little too loud. Because not too long after that a hear crying coming from the playpen. Sitting up, I saw that is actually not empty, but occupied. Inside is a pissed looking child. Kinda like me when my sleep is interrupted unnecessarily.

Like me.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you going to pick him up?" came that familiar voicje again. I almost forgot to breathe as I saw who was standing at the doorway. It's her... My Cherry...

"I... I don't  know how" was all I could dumbly spat out.

Shaking her head and smiling a little, she made her way to the playpen and pick up the little boy. she then handed him to me. I felt my heart flutter as his little hands carressed my face, his eyes filled with wonder. He then started patting my cheeks. Then again. Each slap a little harder than the last, it is starting to sting but I am too much in awe with this little creation that is half mine to even care.

"Kersen, no..." Charlie said sternly. "We don't hit, okay?" Kersen... I still can't believe she picked that name.

The next subject of the little one's curiosity is ny graying her which he was playfully tugging on.

"You can tell him no, you know."

"I don't want him to hate me..."

"Oh Sutan, he is nine months old."


"You're impossible." she said with an eye roll. "I will get dinner started, can you bring Kersen down?" I nodded as I follow Charlie downstairs.

A/N: I found this draft I wrote. Hope you guys like it. Sorry it's kinda short.


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