Good to bad (Day 16)

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Baekhyun woke up by his vibrating phone in his pocket. He forgot he was in the car still and Suhyeon next to her.

He saw sweat on her forehead and wiped it off.

"Fuck it is hot"
He cursed and finally answered the phone

A voice shouted through the phone

Baekhyun pulled the phone away from his ear and winced
"W-who is this?"

"You dumbshit , are you that wasted that you don't recognize my voice?"
There was heavy sigh
"It's Jongdae"

"Oh! ..hey what's up?
Baekhyun said and looked around , rubbing his eyes

"What do you mean hey , you have a meeting in 15 mins do you not remember?"
Jongdae said.

On the other line Jongdae was gently smacking his head with the clipboard.

"I do? Shit im sorry i was too..drawn into something"
He covered Suhyeon with his jacket and looked out he window. The parking lot was still empty.

"Where are you? Ill pick you up"

"NO! fine ill be there in a few , i gotta help Suhyeon get dressed"

"What do mean get dressed ? I think she's old enough to dress herself baek- ..wait"
He heard a gasp
"You little shi-"

"gotta go bye!"
Baekhyun hung up and ruffled his hair in his hands.
He bit his lip slightly and smacked Suhyeon's ass to wake her up

"Princess ! Rise and shine"
He said and heard her groan and grab her butt

She sat up slowly and whined
"Im still sore you douche"

"Welp ..that's your fault. Get dressed we're leaving"

Suhyeon's eyes went up

"Don't ask just get dressed"

He got out of the car and went into the drivers seat , starting the vehicle on.

Suhyeon put her underwear and Jeans on then her shirt and hopped into the passenger seat.

"Can you tell me now?"
She asked as she put on her shoe

"I have a meeting in about 10 and i need to get there early"

She nodded and buckled herself up
"Well ill just have breakfast there"

She looked in her purse and retouched her makeup

Baekhyun looked over at the way she looked in The mirror. It was kind of cute how close she would get and when he would purposely stomp on the breaks and watch her hear hit the mirror was amusing but cute from the way she would get mad.

"You know..sometimes i question you feelings Baek" she said when she was done redoing her eyeliner

He raised a brow but didn't look her way
"What do you mean?"

She sighed and put down her stuff, starting to put everything inside the bag
"Sometimes i just don't get how your feelings work" she paused for a second
"Okay well..when you're just being yourself and stuff you kind of tend to be rude and mean towards me but when we get to the sex it's totally different..."

Baekhyun clicked his tounge
"Why did this even cross your mind in the first place?"

"Because im curious about never let me in , you never let me know what's going on with you" she said " we're getting married soon and i need to know you well-"

She heard a low chuckle

"What's so funny?"

"Who said i was marrying you baby girl?"
He said , not taking his eyes off the road

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