Chapter 2- Telling Claire

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It's been a week since I have found out about my father. I still am contemplating on whether I want to meet him or not.

"NIKKI!" Claire screamed from all the way across the hallway at school. I could tell it was her because Claire has a very distinctive voice.

"CLAIRE!" I yelled back. I heard several people laugh at that. The whole school knows about Claire and I's crazy friendship, but they think it's weird.

Well you know what? I think they're weird!

Yeah, if you haven't already guessed, I'm a little on the crazy side...

I started to walk down the hall towards her so I could meet her halfway. We have every class together during the day.

"What's up buttercup?" I asked with a grin as soon as I got by her side.

"Nothing, what about you baby?" She asked me as she booty-bumped me lightly.

I'm not gonna lie, we do act like lesbians when we're together. We hold hands, we kiss each other's cheek, we call each other names you would call your boyfriend/girlfriend, things like that.

But, we're completely straight. I swear. We just don't get boyfriends because everyone at our school questions our sexuality.

"With my most favorite girl ever, that's what." I flash her a smirk and she smacks my ass in response. "Hey! That was supposed to be a compliment!"

She smirked and simply replied with, "I know!"

I grabbed her hand and led her to our first period English class. It is our favorite class of the day, mainly because the teacher lets us do whatever we want and Claire and I sit right beside each other in the back of the classroom. We are also Mr. E's favorite students. The E is short for Elms.

As we walked down the hall some more, Claire let go of my hand and hid behind her books. I knew what that meant. She spotted her crush Gavin in the hall somewhere.

Gavin is a super hot senior at our school and he also happens to be single. He is about 6 foot and has brown hair and ice blue eyes. Claire has been wanting to talk to him, but she is always too nervous.

"Claire, your going to have to grow a pair of balls someday and just talk to him." I told her. She always acts like a shy puppy around him..

"I know, but he's just so cute and I'm all eh..." She defended herself. Her being 'eh' is a complete lie. Claire is one of the prettiest girls I know, and I tell her all the time.

I looked at her disapprovingly. "Babe, you know that's not true!"

She looked at him out of the corner of her eye as we passed him. "Okay... But look at all the other girls he's flirted with, made out with, or dated. Then, look at me. Compared to them, I'm ugly as hell."

Okay, maybe I forgot to mention that Gavin is the school player... But that doesn't mean he isn't genuinely a good person! Wait... Does it?

"Shut your damn mouth and get walking. We are almost to class." I said to her. I'm just tired of her always being so negative when it comes to her features.

"Okay. I LOVE YOU NIKKI!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" I screamed back. Seriously, if this doesn't describe our friendship, I don't know what does.

We walked into class and made our way to our usual spots in the back of the room.

"Okay everyone, we are going to finish the movie we were watching yesterday." Mr. E told us when the bell rang. We were watching the movie Cyberbully because there was an anonymous person in the class being cyber bullied, and we were learning about the 'negative effects' of it.

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