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    Kennedy sat waiting for the lunch bell to ring. He groaned quietly to himself and looked at the hallway doors, ready to get up and soon as he heard the first sound of the bell. All he wanted to do was get to class and finish the rest of the school day. He glanced around boredly, idly tapping his head against the brick wall behind him. He heaved a rough sigh, thinking of his crush and the incident of that day. It seems whenever he came around something happened, be it small or large (to Kennedy, at least.) 

  Kennedy took a short cut through the library usually when leaving his class. If it was open, he'd usually hang around for the duration of lunch. Today though, it was closed. He kept on walking, scrunching his nose at the harsh smell of chemicals. He walked towards the crowd of people streaming out the doors. Right as he strode close, he spotted him. His crush. Walking right fucking through the doors he had planned to  go out through. He stared for a couple of seconds as his mind went haywire. Panicking, he averted his eyes in an attempt to coolly pretend he hadn't noticed him. This never worked, of course, but that didn't stop him from trying. His cheeks burned and his heart pounded as his breath got caught it his throat. He walked through the other door, mentally cursing himself for being so awkward. Surely his crush, Taylor, picked up on it considering how often he does this. After he got through the doors he sat, and pulled his book out attempting to play it off to himself.

  Kennedy cringed at the thought of what happened. God, why did he always do that?! Taylor probably thinks he's stupid and embarrassing. Suddenly the bell rang and Kennedy shot up, relieved that he could finally get to his class. With a fast pace, he went to his class. He went the quickest route, just wanting to get away from thoughts of what happened and drown them in math equations. 

   Upon reaching his class, he noticed a sign on the door. "Sorry class, I'm not feeling well! Please report to room 207!" He eyed the sign for a few seconds, Sighing and processing it. "Is she not here? I don't know where that room is.." He turned his head to the classmate that the words came from, and smiled. "Oh! Don't worry, I know where it is," He said as he pointed towards the direction they were supposed to go. "Well lead the way, I have no idea where to go still.." He gave a chuckle and started walking, waving for her to follow.  The classroom was simply a handful of yards up the hallway, directly in front of them. As then entered, the teacher came to the door in order to greet her students she was covering. Kennedy smiled politely and walked pass her into the cooking classroom. He looked forward and stopped walking, feeling his mind blank out. Fuck. Of course he's here. After finishing his business in the library, Taylor must have come here since the library was closed. Kennedy panicked and stepped behind the girl who was trailing him, following behind her. He felt his cheeks burning again, and his breath catching in his throat. Taylor noticed Kennedy and grabbed his things, leaving quickly. Kennedy relaxed slightly once he left and sat in a random seat, still feeling a tad on edge. Why, why, why, why, why did he always have to get so nervous whenever Taylor was around? Just great! Not only does he find him ugly, he surely thinks he's fucking stupid and weird after this. 

Oh well, Oh well, Oh well. Nothing he can do about it now. He tried to push away the thought by flipping through the cooking and nutrition textbook lying on the table. When that didn't work he sighed, burying his face in his arms and dozing off. 

The bell rang and Kennedy sat up groggily. He grabbed his book bag and slowly walked out the door and onto his next class, hoping he didn't run into Taylor again (while also vaguely hoping for it)


Writer's note:

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! This was originally going to be one long story but eh.. I decided against it because I honesty don't have the drive hahaha. I really hope you enjoy it, this is a great outlet for me. This is loosely based off of something i'm currently going through as a way to vent all the dumb little thoughts I have of my crush haha. Anyway, I wish you peaceful days. I hope you read the next update <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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