My completness that should't exist

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I knew the minute you came back that you had changed and for the good. Instantly I felt secure with stability that would never have been possible with our first go round. Everything that wrecked us is now all that sustains us that is solid and sure. An unspoken freedom with commitment of the strongest kind . The only acceptance necessary is us , not the crowd that decided our fate of the first attempt I don't count.  You are my calm and peace for knowing you are my everything and justified this time. I'm trying to be all you need and nothing that you didn't before. I'm your motivator for the future and you are mine along with my muse for something I thought you ignored that is my passion and dream. You couldn't have tossed aside the ways I had to let you in and deep enough to fully understand myself for success over failure of leaving a complicated individual more simple with understanding. You are my days I have to write about light and love, and you are my days when I need to write about a hurt and pain that I no longer have but have access to through memories and a past with you. You're the in between times I write about a mix of love and loss with a little added hate that no longer invade our world. You are my indicator of my words that I don't have to explain when you read all the good and the bad of what we were and are now aware that the future holds more . Voids of the things that took us down the first round are open and accepted without speaking of them. Immediately present with our reconnection was everything needed for success and no talks about anything other than the things we missed and didn't give up on. Functionality with ease too easy after the the total malfunction of everything we couldn't stand but rode out till unable to go on with certainty of being done. I knew that you were going to be all I thought you would that I couldn't let go and I understood you couldn't either. Your first sentence of substance that Christmas Day was the gift of a lifetime. You are my perfection , and you are my first step into something I wouldn't have been able to go forth with if you hadn't been my motivation and you were paying attention to my attempts at forever happy with the one who completes me . Your change and effort I could match with my work for the same I prepared myself for if that chance came again. We're total freedom and exquisitely bare bones versions of ourselves with nothing to hide and nothing to fear .  Our coming together with a perfect balance to the other and a formation so rock solid there's no chance of past repeating devestaion . We've established a totally mismatched system of randomness and unorthodox methods for success with no rational understanding of its working with bliss and unacceptable behavior and situations that would be an immediate kill to the system of everyone else but it's our path to everything we wanted like a walk in the park . The unexplainable need for us together as one with nothing that should have bonded us with permanency and from the first hello to our eventual goodbye our time to go from here and onto our next realm for repeating this... my confirmation??? Easily understood with the way you are my best days and the worst.. you're the motivation to my craft in times of uplifting joy and I need to reference our destruction and take pen to words that describe hate and vengeful attacks of past. You are the sunshine I need when you are an ass with similarities too close to a narcissist I pen my most loving thoughts to. Nonsense that makes zero sense but our path to the goal and more. You and I have purpose yet to reveal itself but not unfelt for its closeness and reason for us that will not be thrown off course and will be all that we have been thinking it will turn into.  You complete me the way We're the equinox perfect to the date I kick off spring and you start autum on the other side of the hemisphere where you and I are the perfect balance of light and dark that I haven't stopped looking for meaning to with our union of such. We mean something greater than here and I know you feel that too , you have always loved leaving me in lingering frustration with the way you seem to not understand a damn thing I need to know and you know full well the deal and what's going down but I don't trip like before. Now I play with you but in calm patience for the things you changed to make it work after you made it hurt so bad I couldn't breathe but couldn't let you go . Going back like a reaction automatically and knowing what I just overcame but just barely. We're the equinox and balanced light and dark. A event of the stars and cosmos you don't disregard and you don't disrupt. We're meant for the stars in more ways than one. Our everything that shouldn't make sense or work but perfectly and with wholeness that is the lock to the other happily and without resistance from stubborn and challenge .. sometimes you and sometimes me. Almost missed our boarding to the stars with our petty human bullshit not a factor for a startrip on our path from the jump and taking off soon so buckle up baby and let's see what our going against everything we are has in store for our random , unorthodox , unexplainable system of success with contentment that shouldn't exist .  Perfection in disfunction . And love in what should be hate .. set up by the stars and you don't go against the universe, you go forth with purpose you and I managed to understand in a fog of loss and incompleteness that was a test for what's coming bigger than the thoughts that we don't worry about with the other by our side and our intent upon us. It's time and it's comfortable and I'm good now thanks to you and thanks to myself for emerging rather than continuing the battle for "who has the biggest dick" complex.

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