Are we?

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"Elsa I was wondering- no, that's not right. Elsa would it be alright if- no, Elsa, could we- do it? Fuck no, I can't say that. Dammit what do I say to her?" Jack paced around in the hallway, he was waiting for Elsa to get out of class. "Think Jack. Think.." Just then the bell rang and Elsa walked out. "Hi Jackie." She smiled and kissed him. He slowly backed away, "Elsa, do you think we could talk... outside?" Elsa's smile faded but Jack quickly reassured her, "no, it's not that babe. I'll explain." They walked hand in hand outside and stood by the stairs. "So, what did you want to talk about Jack?" He gulped, "Elsa, we've been dating since seventh grade right?" She nodded. "I-I want to take 'us' to the next level." 'Yes, I didn't fuck up!' He thought. Elsa smiled, "y-you mean?" He nodded, "if you want to." She smiled and grabbed his shirt collar, smashing her lips against his, not wanting the moment to end. He smiled after they broke apart, "my place after school?" She smiled, "I'll be there." They soon headed back inside to their classes. ~A Few Hours Later~ Ring Elsa rang the doorbell and stood on the porch waiting. Soon Jack answered, "hey Els, come on in." She walked in, looking at all the beautiful furniture and paintings, "did you paint these?" He smiled, "you like them, I actually have one for you, I made it a few years ago, but never had the courage to give it to you." He led her to his painting room and on the easel was the largest canvas Elsa had ever seen. It was a painting of her in her prom dress from two years ago. She looked at it closer, smiling, "y-you painted- me?" He smiled and hugged her from behind, "of course, but it doesn't capture your beauty." She blushed and kissed him. He smiled, "you sure you want to do this babe?" She kissed him and smiled, "I am completely sure." They started kissing deeply and walked towards his bedroom, without breaking the kiss. He locked the door, his sister was still home. He pushed her back on the bed and took his shirt off before climbing on top of her. Between kisses he smiled, "no going back baby." She pulled her shirt off and kissed him deeply as he unhooked her bra and threw it to the floor. She unbuttoned his jeans, seeing his bulge get bigger. She smiled, "getting too hot babe?" She grabbed him. "Oh fuck, do it baby." He groaned. Elsa slid Jack's pants and underwear down, then he kicked them off the bed. He then took her shorts and panties down before he lowered himself on her and instantly hit her sweet spot. She moaned, "come on baby, I can take it." He kissed and sucked her neck before he finally released and she moaned loudly. This went on for almost an hour when Jack finally collapsed next to her out of breath, "how's that for a virgin?" He smirked. She snuggled into him and buried her face in his chest. ~A Week Later~ "come on Jack, you got this, just propose already." Jack paced in his bedroom looking at his phone, he had opened the conversation with Elsa and started typing, "Elsa, could you come over, I need your help with something." He sent the message and instantly got a text back, "sure honey, be there in 5." He put his phone in his pocket and looked at the ring box on his nightstand. "You can do it Jack." He picked up the box and put it in his pocket before going to the living room. Knock knock He opened the door and saw Elsa smiling, "what do you need help with?" He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck, "well... Elsa... you see... just- follow me." He led her to the screening room of the house, "just sit down and watch, I'll be back." He played the tape and the screen lit up. Jack had recorded himself. Virtual Jack stared talking, "Hey Elsa. This was really hard for me to say in person, so I recorded this. I want to say that these past five years with you have been amazing. You are my heart, my soul, my everything. You take my breath away. I can't imagine my life without you, i want you, I need you, I desire you. I'm nothing without you. What I'm trying to say is... well... look to your right." Jack cut off the tape and was sitting next to Elsa holding a box with an ice blue diamond ring, "will you marry me?" Elsa was in tears, she never thought this day would come. She was too choked on tears to speak, so she grabbed Jack by the collar and smashed her lips on his, the kiss salty from her tears. She leaned over him and pushed him on the floor, kissing every part of his neck and face before nibbling his ear, "come on Frosty." She whispered seductively. He picked her up bridal style to his bedroom, and the pleasure began. ~a couple more weeks pass~ Elsa woke up and saw Jack sleeping peacefully next to her. She smiled. Just then, something burning crept up Elsa's throat. 'Am I going to throw up?!' She thought before racing to the bathroom. She lifted the toilet seat and projectile vomited into it, when she thought she was done she wiped her mouth with toilet paper and flushed the toilet. Only to start throwing up again. Jack heard her and ran to her side, rubbing her back and kissing her head, "it's okay sweetheart, it's okay." She finally stopped and coughed, "what- what's wrong w-with me?" She held her stomach in pain and started throwing up again. "I'll call the hospital." Jack's sister heard from her bedroom and ran to Elsa, "are you alright?" Elsa wiped her mouth, breathing hard, "n-no." Jack ran to get the phone and dialed the hospital, "yes, this is Jackson Overland, my girlfriend is really sick... yeah.... no.... um.... honey have you had your period yet?" Elsa shook her head, then realized what's wrong with her. Jack continued, "yeah... uhuh... okay thanks." He hung up the phone, "honey." She felt her flat stomach, "I-I'm p-pregnant." Jack and Emily hugged her softly and Jack smiled, "we can get through this, we WILL get through this, together." He held her hand, laying his other hand overtop her engagement ring, "no matter what."

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