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~About a month later~
Elsa is three months pregnant now and the morning sickness finally stopped. She was rummaging through the cabinets looking for something when Jack stopped her, "what are you looking for?" She groaned, "our little prince really wants peanut butter." He smiled and got it off the shelf, "here sweetheart." She took it and a spoon and went to the living room. Jack smiled, "so, when do you want to go shopping for his nursery?" In between spoonfuls Elsa smiled, "when I'm done." Jack smiled and watched her eat the jar of peanut butter, "wow, he really wants peanut butter." He laughed, "Out of all the chocolate in the house you crave peanut butter?" She nodded and ate another bite, "I can't help it. It's what he wants. And what my little boy wants is what he gets." Jack smiled, "well right now I want us to get to school, before it's too late, we graduate in June you know." She smiled, "I know Jack, I know. I'm all ready." She smiled and grabbed her purse before they went to the car and left. When they got to the school all their friends were outside. Jack smiled, "hey guys, what's up?" He and his friends shook hands while the girls cooed over Elsa's bump. "Elsa it's so cute. Did you find out what it is?" Elsa rubbed her stomach and Jack hugged her from behind, resting his hands on her belly, "it's a boy." Anna smiled, "when is he due?" Merida chimed in, "and what's his name?" Emily smiled, "they named him Samuel Carter Overland. And he's due April 6th." Rapunzel smiled, "aww, how sweet." Elsa rubbed her belly and smiled, "I can't wait to hold him." The baby kicked Elsa's hand softly. She smiled, "sounds like he's excited too." ~March 21st~ "Jack, Emily." Elsa walked to the living room holding her stomach, "I think he's coming." They slowly stood up, "how far apart are the contractions?" She held her breath as another one came, "about six minutes." Jack calmly picked up his phone and called the hospital, "yes, this is Jackson Overland, my wife has gone into labor and needs help." The operator replied, "alright sir, an ambulance will be there soon." Jack hung up and stayed by Elsa, "remember your breathing exercises from class." He held her hand as she breathed through every contraction. Soon the ambulance came and loaded her on a gurney and drove to the hospital. They admitted her to a room and gave her an epidural. Jack texted Jason as Elsa rested. (Jack:bold Jason: italics) hey bro, Elsa's having the baby, she's at 1cm right now, but you can come, Emily is already here. Thanks for letting me know, I'll be there soon. Jack put his phone up and caressed Elsa's head, "doing alright honey?" She slowly nodded, "mhm, just tired." About an hour later Jason arrives. "Hey Els, how ya holding up?" She smiled, "I'm fine Jason, they just checked me and said I was at 3cm." He smiled, "that's great news." Jack smiled, "you guys okay staying with her a minute, I have to make a call." Jason smiled, "sure man, no problem." Emily smiled, "of course Jack." Jack went out in the hall and Elsa smiled, "how are Emma and the kids, Jason?" He smiled, "doing great, Simon is six, Alexis is four, Garret is one, and Will is two weeks old." Elsa smiled, "must feel good to be a dad huh?" Jason smiled, "oh it's the best feeling in the world Elsa, once you see your baby for the first time, it's like the world stands still and all you want to do is just hold them close and never let go." She smiled and rubbed her belly, "sounds amazing." He smiled and held her hand, "it really is Elsa, it really is." Emily smiled, "I can't wait to have a baby of my own." Jason chuckled, "might want to wait until you're at least engaged sis." Jack came back in and sat next to Elsa, "you doing okay?" She nodded, "I'm...." She felt another contraction then felt something wet, she gripped the sheets in pain, "oh god! go get the nurse." Jack ran to get the nurse as Jason and Emily helped relax her. "Just breathe Elsa, it's just your water breaking, that's normal." Jason smiled. She took a few breaths before the nurse and Jack walked in, "let me go ahead and check you." She smiled, "your at five now sweetie, but since your water broke it will go by faster. I'll come back soon." Elsa was clutching the bed rails in pain, her grip was so tight that her knuckles changed color. She was moaning in pain, "God why did you do this to me Jack?!" Jack held her hand, "you will be fine dear. You are bringing our son into this world, and I couldn't be more proud of you." Emily smiled and rubbed her leg, "it's going to be okay Elsa, you'll be okay." Tears flooded down her cheeks, "p-please make it s-stop." Jack hugged her, "it's okay sweetie. Here, sit up and let your feet hang off the side. The nurse said it will help." Jack helped her sit up and she let her feet dangle. The pressure went lower into her pelvic area. "Mmmmh." She sighed as she laid her head on Jack's shoulder. He rubbed her back, "better?" She nodded. Soon she was at ten and the doctor came in, "alright Elsa, lay back for me." She did what she was told and the doctor told her to push. She held Jack's hand as she did the first push. "That was good, take a couple breaths and push again." Elsa took a few deep breaths then pushed. Almost an hour passes before a tiny cry is heard. The doctor cleaned and weighed him before wrapping him in a blanket and handing him to Elsa. Soon it was just the five of them in the room. Elsa smiled and looked at Jack, "he looks just like you." Jason smiled, "what name did you guys choose?" They both smiled, "Samuel Carter Overland." Emily smiled, "nice." Elsa looked at the little baby in her arms, he was staring wide-eyed at his mother.

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