Part Five

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Thanks for almost 300 views! Yay xD
And sorry for how bad this part is, I have writers block right now so I have no idea what to write xD

Your POV

"Oh.. Hey Jenna." Tyler said.
"Who's this..?" You asked him.
"This is Jenna.." Tyler said, "she's my ex girlfriend."
"Oh.. That's cool.."

"So Tyler," Jenna said, "do you wanna come hang out with me and my friends?"

Tyler looked at you to see your answer.

"Sure, I don't care," you told him.

"Thanks Y/N, I'll see you and Josh at lunch, kay?" You nodded and Tyler began walking away with Jenna.

~Time skip to lunchhhhhhhhhhhhhh~

You were sitting with Josh at in the cafeteria waiting for Tyler. A few minutes later, Tyler came in with Jenna.

"Hey Josh, hey Y/N, would it be okay if I ate lunch with Jenna today?"

"Sure," you both said. As Tyler walked away, you looked back at Josh. "I don't trust Jenna," you said.

"I don't either."

After school, you met up with Tyler who was coming over. As you started walking to your house, you decided to bring up Jenna. "So.. Tyler.. I had a question," you said.

"What is it?"

"Why have you been hanging out with Jenna so much? It's not necessarily a bad thing, but I just wanted to know why," you said.

"I just haven't talked to her in a while,"

You walked in silence until you got to the house and unlocked the door. No one was home. You went to your room and sat on the bed. Tyler sat on a chair.

"Sooo.. what do you want to do?" Tyler asked you.

"I don't know," you said.

After a few minutes of silence, Tyler got a text. "Oh, Y/N, I have to go meet up with Jenna. Is it okay if I go..?"

"Why are you so obsessed with Jenna?" You asked.


"I asked why you're so obsessed with Jenna."

"I'm not obsessed with her. She's just.. an old friend."

"Riiight. Go hang out with your best friend," you rolled your eyes at him.

"She's not my best friend."


"Fine. I will go. See you around, Y/N," He stood up, opened your door, and left.

"You forgot to close the door!" You called after him and then collapsed on the bed. You got out your phone and texted Josh.


Sorry for ANOTHER short chapter xD

Word count: 374

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