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It's one thing to think you aren't good enough for the group
But it's another to hear you will never be good enough for the fans. ❞

It was obvious something was going to happen, just the way the manager had walked in, face like stone.

"Jin get up, the CEO wants to talk to you" it was short but how the manager's eyes had a glint of pity in them shot anxiety through Seokjin. He quickly looked around the room to see who was listening. Only a few members were looking at them, the others possibly just listening in or not paying attention at all.

It was surprising to him how none of the members flinched when their manager raised his voice once Jin questioned him, not even hoseok. All he wanted to know was why he had to go alone but got the harsh reply of "JUST GO BEFORE I LOSE MY PATIENCE WITH YOU!" Not the kindest reply he's ever gotten but definitely not the worst. 

So Jin slowly got up, put his shoes on and walked out the door. The strange thing was that nobody answered when he said goodbye or that he'd be back later unlike the usual screams of "bye bye~" and "text us if you need anything!". He didn't fully expect any replies as everyone would've heard the manager yell at him and they're probably busy preparing for the comeback that's scheduled for just a months time. However he thought at least jungkook or namjoon would've answered him.

All he knew was that no matter how many times he told himself that everything would be okay while walking to the CEO's office, it couldn't be good news.


So that was a shitty intro but oh well I'm not a writer person
Why am I even thinking of publishing this

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