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Title: 7*

Library is  where Jame always goes if she wants to know something, but right now she didnt. The first place she went to is where Professor Mcgonagall would be and that is her office. When Jame finally found it she knocked first before coming in "Yes miss Potter?" she asked "ah, Professor Mcgonagall, i wanted to ask you about uh.. My parents" She said and helped herself to sit down on one of the armchairs. "Ah yes. well, i could certainly tell you that you look like your mother.. Lily Evans" She said and when she was about to say another thing, her eyes softened "But your eyes are from your father.. James Potter.. The whole of you though, is a mixture of your mother and father, a clever girl who likes to mess around. Your brother looks like James but has your mother's eyes. Just like James, not really smart in academics but is easy to catch up in mysteries, Just like Lily, He gets involved into trouble even though he doesnt want to" She chuckled at her own words "Lily was one of the brightest witch in this school, even though she was muggle born, she has a short temper whenever James is involved." Jame nodded and asked "What about Professor Snape? was he friends with my mother?" She avoided Mcgonagall's intense gaze "Yes they were close friends, and Lily protected Severus through the years, even when he did something so horrible to her, after him calling her something, behind the shadows she'll still protect him" Jame nodded at Mcgonagall's words. "thank you Professor" Jame said and smiled, she was about to leave when she asked while standing beside the door "Professor.. you wouldnt know any group named Marauders.. do you?" Jame asked and smiled, not even waiting for Mcgonagall to answer.


Jame roamed around the castle as though she had a free period until Lunch. Her first plan was to go to the common room to change into her Uniform then roam. 

She found herself in the shack again and smiled when she still saw Claude sleeping. She chuckled when she thought that its already 3 hours since she left.
She walked next to him and nudged him "Claude..." he stirred up and slowly opened his eyes. Jame's red curly locks fell  "W...what" He stood up fast that he headbutted Jame's forehead "Mother of Helga, Claude, that hurt" She exclaimed and touched her forehead "S-sorry" He said and was about to hold Jame's shoulder when the robe on him fell revealing half of his torso, Jame put her hands over her eyes, but allowing a small hole to peek "Children of Rowena!..... You have a nice torso Claude" She smirked and laughed, Claude blushed and chuckled at her lame flirty joke "ha.ha Jame" he sarcastically laughed and covered his body with the robe "Is this your robe?" He asked "Yeah" She put her hands down and smiled at Claude "Arent you disgusted at me?" Claude suddenly asked "Are you serious?" She asked him with a deadpanned face "No and i dont plan on going to azkaban" he muttered under his breath "What?" Jame asked because she didnt heard "Nothing, anyways yes.. im serious, arent you like... going to be mad at me for killing innocent people?" Jame stared blankly at him for a moment and laughed loudly, her laugh echoed through the shack "GOODNESS NO!! You slept for three hours looking like an angel, and when you hit my head you said sorry. CLAUDE YOU SAID SORRY WITH JUST A SIMPLE HEADBUTT! Plus Lycanthropy is something you dont really want" She asked wiping a tear away "Its something that you didnt asked for but was forced in to you, right now youre doing your very best to control it. What you are doesnt matter to me, what you do is!" She smiled "Youre my friend, Im here to correct or cover up the mistakes you have and you'll do the same-probably- and im here to be with you, to help you" She punched his arm lightly "what are friends for, right?" They chuckled "you better get into your uniform, youre lucky that we have free period till lunch" She said, and stood up. She held her hand out to help him, and he took it gladly, its the small things that Claude always appreciated


Jame, as promised, waited inside the kitchens while eating a chocolate bar. 
The portrait door opened revealing a Brown haired boy with electric blue eyes "I didnt actually thought you'd stay true to your word" he smiled at her "I always stay true to my word" She gave him a cheeky grin and went with him to the great hall. A lot of students were eyeing Griffiths and Potter, as they looked so natural and seemed to be sending good vibes to anyone, while talking. Many of them thought they were talking about food or academics but in reality "So you were bitten by your dad's bestfriend?" She smiled sypathetically to him "Yeah, but it did give some good points" Jame furrowed her eyebrows and asked "What do you mean?" And they sat on the gryffindor table "if you didnt followed me, then we wouldnt be friends right now" She nodded as an agreement to his statement and ate the food prepared to them. 


walking to Herbology with Claude, they were trying to figure out how they'd created a potion so advanced "How about becoming an Animagi?" Claude suddenly blurted out which resulted to Jame staring at him, She smiled and hugged him "Brilliant Idea mate!" she let go of him and started to wonder off if it was really possible to be an animagi, being an animal "But wouldnt that be Illegal?" She asked him, before he could even answer, someone asked them from behind "Whats Illegal?" When they turned, they saw Neville smiling nervously at them, she closed the little gap between her and Claude "does he know?" She whispered "yes" he whispered back "would he agree to this?" She asked "Probably no" he said, They both nodded and thought of a good reason "You know.. having more pets than required" Jame said as soon as the reason popped into her mind. She cleared her throat and smiled at Neville "Come on now Nev, lets go in" She motioned to the green house and walked there.

The three were greeted by plants and by the smell of dirt. Jame sat down beside Claude and Neville on her other side, there were White flowers placed in front of them "Well, this will be an interesting topic" Jame said before touching the flower with her wand "Dont do that Jame" Neville warned her, she quickly withdrew her wand and looked at professor Sprout who was explaining them the flower with such enthusiasm. 


she hated Professor Quirrel, but she loved the class. This time she was sitting beside Neville, they have this class of defense against the dark arts with the Ravenclaws. "H-hello class! We'll b-be learning s-s-something about a b-basic spell called E-expulso, it makes T-things e-explode. Now i w-want everyone t-to say Expulso. w-without wands first" and they did as they were told "Now, i.. i w-will place t-these apples on m-my desk.. y-you can move t-to a c-closer range if y-you want" He revealed a couple of green apples "I w-will call out r-randomly, and y-you have to perform t-the spell" They nodded "Ms. Potter" Jame didnt bother to move to a closer range, she just stood up and pointed her wand "Expulso" simply said, did the Wand gestures and the apple exploded, everyone clapped "15 p-points to G-gryffindor for t-that" Jame just sat back down "Wow, youre good" Neville said to her, she just smiled and said "No Neville, i just did what Professor Quirrel told us to do" and the class went on, suddenly the door opened revealing a Professor Snape holding someone by the collar as if dragging them, Jame recognized her as Aria Scamander "P-professor Snape" Quirrel said and looked at Aria, Snape and Jame locked eyes for a moment and a memory from him leaked to Jame, which is Aria taking care of a magical creature"Ms. Scamander here was taking care of a Swooping evil" He said and avoided Jame's eyes "I believe this is one of yours, Professor Quirrel?" he handed Quirrel a green thing "A-ah yes.. t-this is mine" he said and put the green thing inside a glass jar "Arent you going to punish me Professor?" Aria asked Professor Quirrel "ah n-no dear, i'd r-rather thank y-you for taking c-c-care of t-this little r-rascal" He said, Jame rolled her eyes and the bell finally rang indicating that the last class is dismissed. Jame was the first one to stand up and pulled Neville along, When they got to the door she pulled Aria too, Making her trip a little bit "Hey, Potter!" Aria said in a worried voice "Let goooo" She whined, Jame did let go making her fall chin first to the ground "Ouch" She said rubbing her chin, Jame sighed and took her hand away to examine the cut from her chin "You said Let go and i did" Jame explained and took a little vial out of her pocket that contains a red substance "Hold still" Jame said and dab her finger to her chin with the substance, the cut finally disappeared "There. You okay?" She asked "Yes... im sorry i shouted at you, i know you were only helping me to escape" Aria looked down on the ground and stood up, Jame did so too and grinned at her "Dont say sorry" she said and ruffled Aria's short brown hair since Jame was taller "Thank you by the way" Aria smiled, She just chuckled at her and looked at Neville who was looking at Jame "no problem, we have to go now, it was nice saving you Scamander" Jame smiled and waved pulling Neville with her "Come on Neville, we have to meet Claude first before we eat"  she said "Wait why?" he asked "Well... cause you know it was the last day of the full moon yesterday, we have to see if he recovered well and how he was doing from the entire class" Neville stopped and looked at Jame "You know?" he asked her with wide eyes "yes, i was there yesterday. Thats why i wasnt able to sleep in the common room yesterday, i was with him in the Shrieking shack" She explained and pulled Neville again "where are we headed?" Neville was getting anxious not knowing where they were headed, Jame stopped and held Neville by the shoulder "Neville! I know youre anxious and stuff but are you really alive?" She asked, Neville has a confused face "ofcourse im alive, im standing just right infront of you" She let go of him and rolled her eyes "You know, youre not alive when youre not taking any risks, Youre just living!" She was flailing her arms all around, she suddenly heaved a sigh and walked away to Neville "if youre just going to Live, then dont follow me not until i get back to the great hall with Claude!" She shouted, Neville thought about what she said and suddenly just ran right next to her "I am certain that im Alive right now" Jame smiled at him and nodded

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