All hope lost

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Meindert paced around the black gate while Samir stood at the sideline, watching. 'Grr.. That damn idiot' Meindert muttered under his breath. 'General Meindert, please calm down' Samir tried. 'No Samir, I won't. King Cemal went out there, and is too stubborn to take some guards with him!' Meindert stopped and yelled at Samir. Samir took a step back from the outburst. 'Well it isn't our fault he wants to go alone!' Meindert started pacing again while shaking his head. 'True, but we should've told him about Silvesto! He barely knows a thing, he might actually get killed!' Meindert said frustrated.

Silvesto was a prisoner of Fort Forland, who recently escaped. He was a mad scientist who is a danger to all. They forgot to report it to Cemal, but now, it could lead to his death. For Cemal went to the upper jungle of Myrdia, to find Amberos so he could get stronger and defeat Raftagar. But in order to get there, he needs to pass Kanta Tribo...


Sanne walked around the throne room. Searching for something to do. With everyone gone she was quite bored. Maybe she could walk around the gardens. She walked down the stairs, but when she got at the bottom her path was blocked. Ragoreon stood there with a few Empire soldiers. She looked confused at them. 'H-hello, Cemal isn't here' she said, assuming they were here for him.

Ragoreon just looked at her. 'Oh... We're not her for him..' he said while his mouth turned into a twisted smile. Sanne took a step back, not liking where this was going. 'O-oh, wh-what is it y-you would li-ike from me..?' she asked nervous, Cemal wasn't around to protect her now. Empire could do anything, and they were unpredictable.

Ragoreon signaled with his hand and two Empire soldier came up behind her and grabbed her arms. 'W-what?' Ragoreon stepped in front of her. 'So... you're going to tell us where we can find 'Amberos..' Sanne her eyes widened. 'N-no! W-why..?' she asked shakily. Ragoreon held his hand under her chin to make her look into his eyes. 'That's simple, she's in the way... So we need to get rid of her..' She tried to struggle free, but It was no use. 'I-I won't give you the location!' she said as confident as possible, hoping Ragoreon would leave. But deep down she knew he wouldn't.

The smile on Ragoreon's face was downright terrifying. Like he knew he was gonna win, like he had all the right cards in hand to win. 'Oh, Im sure you won't... But, you wouldn't like to see Cemal hurt do you..?' he asked calmly but with a tone in it, that could make a grown man scared. 'W-what do you-' Ragoreon held his hand up to silence her. 'Oh nothing... Just that if you don't give her location..' He stopped talking and put Sanne's chin up so she would look into his eyes. 'We will torture Cemal right infront of you, and we'll keep going until you decide to tell us what we want...'

Sanna looked down, she didn't want him to be hurt.. But she also didn't want to betray Amberos. 'So.. what is it gonna be..?' Rogoreon said. She kept silent. Struggling with what to do. Ragoreon narrowed his eyes. 'Fine then..' He turned to two of his soldiers who were with him. 'Go fetch Cemal..' Sanne sprang to life at that. 'NO!' she yelled, and Ragoreon looked her in the eye. Sanne gulped. 'She... she's in the upperpart of Myrdia..'

Ragoreon grinned at this. And signaled his man to follow him. 'We'll be back for you..' He said before he walked out of sight. 'Come back?! Why?! I told you what you wanted!' Sanne yelled at him. But he was already gone.

Cemal looked outside his tent. It was raining and he couldn't sleep. Not because of the sound, but 'cause he was in the middle of enemy territory. Right now he was located far in Kanta Tribo. He had to pass it in order to get to the upperpart of Myrdia. Where Amberos lived. He had to find her and ask for help. Maybe she could teach him some new spells, he could definitely use it. After all, with Empire on his tail and Raftagar getting stronger each day. After laying down and staring at the ceiling for a while, he started to doze off. And eventually fall asleep.

When morning arrived, he got awoken by the sound of the birds chirping. He would consider it quite peaceful if it wasn't for the fact that he was in the middle of Kanta. He packed his stuff and went on his way. After walking for about an hour he arrived at the border of Kanta. He finally arrived in the area that was ruled by Amberos. But, out of the bushes in front of him, came someone familiar. And someone unexpected.

'What a coincidence to see you out here... So far away from Jenava...' Cemal narrowed his eyes, this couldn't be good. 'Ragoreon...' He whispered. What was Ragoreon doing here. 'What Im doing here is none of your business.' Cemal said while crossing his arms, trying to look confident. Even though inside he was shaken. 'What are you doing here?' he asked Ragoreon. A grin found its way onto Ragoreon's face, and he walked towards Cemal with his hands behind his back in a nonchalant way.

'Oh nothing, just some business with Amberos..' Cemal's eyes widened, this couldn't be good. Ragoreon noticed Cemal's shocked expression, and grinned at it. 'Oh, did you need her for anything..? If so you won't find her, unless you can travel to the afterlife that is...' He said in a mocking tone. 'What did you...?' Cemal said, his voice shaking now. Not believing what was happening. 'O well, I'll see you soon I guess..' And with that Ragoreon leaped away with his wand.

As soon as Ragoreon was gone did Cemal let himself fall onto his knees. Amberos was his last hope, and now it was gone...

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