Jar lists and fancy dresses

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"Come on, Ruby, when did my plans ever go wrong?" Rosalie asked her best friend as she searched through her sister's closet for descent dresses, for that they would look nice in a party they were invited to.

Even though it's not a wild  party as much as it's a charity one, they still have to look fancy for that a lot of people are going to be there. Which Ruby wasn't that excited about, because they weren't actually officially invited.

"Well I-" Ruby tried to say

"Shut up. That was one time." Rosalie interrupted stopping her friend from mentioning that one time they got lost at the airport in Spain and got the whole place looking for them.

"I could think of 17 ways how this week-end have gone better. Literally 17." Ruby nagged, pushing her big curly hair away from her sight. "Do we really have to go? Your mother doesn't even know that we're showing up as her daughters. You are her daugher. I am not."

Rosalie turned to her friend and gave her a pitiful look ;

"No, Rosie. You can't do that to me" Ruby explained. "It's as hard for you as it is for me but you can't use that as an excuse."

"Ruby, today I'm one year away. Only 365 days. Showing up to this party is on my jar list, I know it's not that special or not that big of a deal, but I decided not to miss a single chance to live more, even a tiny but more is enough. And even though I'm not gonna be donating any money, it's the intention that matters."

Rosie tried to convince her friend, she really wanted to go to this party. For some peculiar reason.

"What's a jar list?" Ruby asked.

"Well I thought since bucket lists are what a person aspires to achieve in a lifetime, a jar list -to me- is what I aspire to achieve in a year. A smaller version of a bucket list."  Rosalie explained as she pulled a folded paper out of her pocked, handing it to her friend.

Ruby grabbed it and unfolded it, revealing a jar-shaped paper,

"I aspire to be as extra as you." Ruby joked, then started reading what's on the paper;

                     My jar list
Attend the charity event with Ruby.
☆Attend dance classes again
☆Paint at least 10 paintings.
☆Offer dear people paintings.
☆Watch a scary movie with someone and not actually be scared and embarass whoever is with me at the cinema.
☆Watch a comedy movie at the cinema with someone.
☆Go camping with friends.
☆Star gaze with someone.
☆Admire surroundings more often.
☆Watch the sunset and the sunrise. ☆Get over the fear of being on stage.
☆Cry tears of joy more.
☆Spend a night on the beach.
☆Live more and worry less.
☆Be kinder.
Do something wild.
Ruby teared a bit as she read the list, then read at the bottom written in a pencil "to be continued..".

She wiped the tears before they fall then looked at Rosalie who already picked 4 dresses to choose from,

"Rosie some of these you can still do by next year."

"And some I won't." Rosie said, "Now which one do you like most?" She added as she picked a dress in each hand, waiting for her friend's opinion.

"How come you're so chill about this whole thing?
"What am I supposed to do? Cry my eyes out? That would actually make it worse." Rosalie said then stayed quiet for a split second,

"I believe that a miracle will happen. I know it." Rosalie finally said which made Ruby get up and hug her tightly,

"What a strange being you are." She said.

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