Stars and ice-cream vans

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They sat, engrossed, barely noticing the popcorn that failed to make it to their slack mouths. When the screen fell to black Rosie's body would become rigid and her hand flailed for Sean. Silences never lasted long at the movies, merely tools to heighten the drama, ploys of stylistic effect – depriving the senses of light and sound for just long enough to peak their fear. The next moment was maximum intensity: loud, bright, fast, shocking. Roasalie was back in her seat, eyes open wide. Sean's hand had moved like clock work the whole time with most of his salty treat making it to his already growling stomach. He grinned. This wasn't one of those artsy, enigmatic films . This was action, thriller, horror and he couldn't be happier.

Rosie then felt that a scary scene was about to come, so she grabbed the popcorn cup tight, and just like that, a zombie looking woman showed out of no where and creeped the shit out of Rosalie, which made her jump and spill the popcorn everywhere.

She then looked at Sean, and he looked back, they stared for a second then suddenly, the both of them are laughing so hard, they can’t stop. Sean waved his hand in the air, his flag of apology. Rosie didn't know why, but the waves of laughter keep coming. She tried to catch her breath and snort, staring at him wide-eyed, shocked that she just did such a thing but he suddenly bursts out laughing. With each surge of laughter, she releases some of the tension that has built between them. Perhaps her body could just not contain it any longer. I’m not sure, but his laughter fills her with joy.

Sean and Rosalie annoyed the shit out of the people there, for that were making so much noise, so the security showed up and  kicked them out of the cinema.


The both of them stood in front of the cinema, trying to hold it together,

"Okay okay I'm- okay" Rosalie said as she did actually pull it together.

"Yes okay, anyways that was fun ." Sean replied with a non-fading smile.

He then looked at her,  when he met her gaze, he felt drawn into her eyes. The icy blueness generated a feeling like he was being pulled into a lake of frozen emotions. It was like all the myriad shades of blue swirled together to form a whirlpool of apprehension.

The eye contact was disturbed by an approaching jingle of "Greensleeves", they looked to find an ice cream van drifting past them; you could already glimpse the sight of children tugging their parent’s limbs towards the van that stopped to sell ice cream to the racing children.

Sean gave Rosalie that "You wanna go?" look as he pointed at the truck, she responded with a simple nod and a smile.

The two walked towards the van as it took away,

"He's leaving!" Rosalie yelled, as she started to run towards it trying to catch up.

"Rosie wai-" Sean was about to say but knew how useless would that sound, so he ran after her.

Rosalie was running as if it's a life or death matter, she gave it all, she didn't even stop to take a breath until the truck stopped at a red sign,

"SIR WAIT" she said as she leaned on the van to rest a bit, heavy breathing.

Sean catched up to her, hands on knees to rest.

"Can I have that chocolate ice cream  with chocolate covered coconut bits and marshmallow swirl in the bottom?" Rosalie gave a detailed description for what she would like as the old man handed her what she asked for.

"And you, young man?" The guy asked Sean,

"I'll just have a Sundae crunch." He replied.


After only a few minutes in the sun the ice cream had begun to melt, Rosie watched it until there was a golf ball sized lump in the middle and then stirred rapidly with her spoon. Perfect. She never liked to eat it when it was so cold, the flavour just didn't come through right.

Sean and Rosie were sitting on the edge of a window on the side of the street, admiring the wall of graffitti in front of them.

"What's your favorite color?" Sean asked, absolutely out of no where.

"Yellow." Rosie said before thinking twice.

"Why?" He asked.

"If you're expecting a poetic explination of why yellow is my favorite color, you've come to the wrong person." Rosie said smiling, "I don't know , I was sitting the other day, and all of the sudden I realised , wow I really love the color yellow."

Sean smiled at what she said, for that it was kind of poetic.

"What else do you do other than paint and dance?" He asked.

"I bake a bit, a lot actually" she corrected herself.

"Really?" He asked, he was curious since cooking is one of his many things he loves to do.

"Yeah, well I'm not bragging or anything, but I make some really good cakes. " she said.

"You should make me one someday." He said as they finished their ice cream, and decided to call it a day since the sun is almost down.

"What about you?" Rosie asked as they were walking home.

"Well other than dancing, I love cooking. I was actually in a cooking show once."

"Really? That's so cool! I was once in show. Kind of. The host was a perverted 60 year old man so mom made me quit." She said laughing at that one time he tried to talk to Rosie and her mom almost dragged him and his fake moustache through the whole place.


After long chats about socks and nightmares, and exchanging numbers, the two get to where each goes in their path,

"Today was, beyond fun. Thank you." Rosie said.

"Thank you for joining me." Sean replied, "So I guess I'll see you in dance class?"

"Until then, then." Rosie quoted him as they both laughed, then each went his way home.


"So what did you do after class? Did you go home alone? Should I feel bad?" Ruby said as she and Rosie were on skype.

"No not at all, I just hung out with Sean a bit." Rosie replied, her tone lowering on the word Sean.

"Rosie is there something you wanna tell me?" Ruby asked in a suspicious tone.

"What? A girl can't have friends?." Rosie asked.

"I never said so." Ruby said then was cut off by the ringing of her phone, "Listen we'll talk later, that moron is calling me."

She said referring to her boyfriend woth whom she would fight with every 5 minutes.

"Mkay talk to you later!"


Rosie then got up, heading to her window. She swore to herself that she won't miss a chance to gaze at the stars at night, and she looked up the sky; the glitter looks as if she could scoop it all up in her hands and let the stars swirl and touch one another but they are so distant, so far apart that they cannot feel the warmth of each other even though they are made of burning.

A star for her mother who has been watching over her since forever ; she thought to herself.

A star for her father who died in the army.

A star for her sister whom she would always steal clothes from.

A star for her best friend, Ruby, who she wouldn't trade for the world.

A star for the friendships she made recently.

And a star for Sean.

HELLO  THERE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! I hope you're doing great abd if not feel free to spill the tea in a message. Dont forget to comment and vote and do all those things. TYSM FOR READIIIING ❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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