Becoming Girly 101

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Hello there lovely readers and welcome to the weekly segment of Becoming Girly Extras!

Firstly, you should know is that this book contains extra chapters from different perspectives (including but not limited to, Axel, Deidre, Toby and Hadley), as well as extra information from your hostess - that's me, and lastly, you will find extra chapters on the different character backstories (sorry though, none will contain spoilers because I like being mysterious that way).

The full story can be found at - - and is currently still being written.

This first part of Becoming Girly Extras will include extra information about Becoming Girly, along with witty commentary by yours truly. Stay tuned for the next update, as it will contain a chapter on one of our darling characters!


Becoming Girly is first and foremostly, a spin-off to Becoming Popular (in case you're curious If you don't know what a spin-off is, it's fairly easy to understand. A spin-off is a story that continues on the main story of the original book, usually with different characters but similar settings.

In Becoming Girly, the story centres around our main protagonist, Holly Andrews as she weaves through teenaged angst, heartbreak and love. Most of this is discovered through humorous situations and rather dramatic twists.

The story takes place roughly around twelve years after the conclusion of Becoming Popular, so if some of you read both books and were confused as to why everyone was old, well time doesn't stop, not even fictional time (unless this was a sci-fi story then it would be a completely different story altogether).

For those who are avid followers of Becoming Popular, a fun fact to note is that Sean and Vivienne are now married and have a son, named Billy. Vivienne is also pregnant, and soon, expecting a second little Gregory, so keep your eyes out for the new arrival in Becoming Girly.

The reason for the book's title, being Becoming Girly is mainly because the previous title was called Becoming Popular. Both stories deal with high school popularity, and appearances, but both do so in very different ways. In Becoming Girly, the story takes a deeper look into popularity, and how it actually affects the supposed popular crowd. As for the title, it plays a significant role in the plot of the story, but not exactly in the way you might think.

Toby's character is slightly based on me and slightly based on my own past experiences. His lack of willingness to commit or to confront Holly about their obvious and very terse situation reveals more about his character than most people read into. There's a lot more to Toby than meets the eye, and we'll eventually learn why in the later chapters of Becoming Girly.

 Originally, the story was going to be straightforward, and Holly and Toby were going to start off dating in the beginning of the book. Sadly, the idea was quickly scrapped when Axel Hunt was introduced to me through my imagination and endless hours of practising maturity (it's not a real thing, just to clarify). And suddenly the idea of a girl in love with her best friend but never being loved in return was formed. I'm a sucker for unrequited love stories, so this was really up my alley.

I'm very much a cynic in real life, so when I do write very sentimental and sappy scenes for Becoming Girly, I end up cringing and fake-gagging at all the romantic fluff I manage to come up with. If I ever wrote a story where the romance was based on what I'd do, the book would be very short and needless to say, leave my dear readers very disappointed.

Another fun fact is that about 95% of Becoming Girly has been based off on something that has happened to me in the past. If anything embarrassing happens to Holly, the chances that it has happened to me is probably very high. I'm a natural klutz, and when I'm not pretending to be cool, I can be very weird and very awkward around most people. This translates into the humour aspect of Becoming Girly.

And that rounds up the extra info portion for Becoming Girly. If you think that I left anything out, or have any more questions just jot it down in the comments section and I'll be sure to add it (if it's not too much of a spoiler).



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