Feeding Day

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When fourteen year old Will sets foot out of his trusted home, he can hear the desperate screams in the background. For him, it has become almost like the singing of birds when you open your eyes in the morning or kids laughing as they cycle to school around nine. Just another sound you get used to, and would make you feel uncomfortable if it wouldn't be there one day.

The big black cushions of the Beats headphones, Will's mom bought her son, lock out the screaming and replace it with the music of one of his songs. The drumming and jamming on a loud sounding guitar overreach any noise, and make you uncontrollably tap your foot on the ground over and over again.

Will walks over the crunching stones of the garden path, unlocks his army green bicycle and waves ones more at his mom watching him from the window of the house. Will knows the beauty of his mom, and how the fathers of all of his buddies send her flowers and ask her over for tea. He also knows how his mom hates the attention. She has only one love, and she lost him to the pit. So even though her flashy red curls are perfectly hanging over her shoulders, her dark brown lipstick colours her mocha face perfectly pale, and the jeans fabric dungarees show off her figure, Will sees the grey in her first so green eyes. Caused by the constant fear of her only son ending up where her husband did.

Now don't get me wrong, Will is a good boy. Cooking for his mom in the evening, and studying hard on school. Only to one day have enough money to move away with his mother, and be save from the threatening of the Pit. Will flips his backpack over his shoulder and get's going. It's a horrible day for school, with 30 degrees out he'd rather sit in the hammock chair in the garden and continue the poem he started on. What first began as a boring English assignment, evolved into a hobby of his. He loved nature, and writing about it in the form of Poetry was a great way to kill the time. While passing houses, running and footballing children and large trees creating shadows on the road, his mind was writing. Until someone tapped his shoulder and he almost drove into a garbage can, and his mind was back where it was supposed to be. On the road.

'Hey bud, thinking 'bout the ladies?'

Obviously the tapper was Will's best friend Jake, speeding up to keep up with him.

'No, I'm not you', Will teases him, also quickening his pass to exhaust his buddy.

'Oh come on, ya know I have only but one love', Jake swoons exaggerated.

'Who is it this week!' Will shouts back at him.

'Don't be an ass Will! And slow down for god sake!' Will stands on his pedals, and Jake gives up and falls back to his own speed, dying snail.

Will and Jake's friendship might be slightly different that others. Others would wait for each other and cycle together, complaining about the horrible biology teacher who got caught kissing another student in the laundry closet again. Or about who got thrown into the pit the other weekend. Jake and Will were different than those people, and they preferred to see the bright side of everything. The biology teacher caused a great laugh, and the pit made sure bad people kept their bad deeds away from the good civilians.

The two met at a garden party. The birthday girl was Sasha, who was also Jake's former girlfriend. She had spread hundreds of flayers through school, and the party was themed 'Emo'. So all the guest showed up with dark make up running down their faces, and lace dresses and funeral suits. Will hated that he was invited, considering he also hated negativity. Explaining his mom this, she decided to knit him a rainbow suit, with all the colours wool she owned. From head to toe he was covered in softness, like living in a cloud. And he walked into Sasha's home like a fairy's excreta. All the guest, completely black dressed looked at him, and he felt like the odd one out, until he almost got run over by a tiny green dinosaur. Jake, the eight year old version, gigantic brown eyes and little brown curls coming from under his suit, was wearing a green dinosaur suit. And with his tiny little dinosaur arms he reached out to give Will a hand. 'I'm Jake. This suit is fake. Let's get some cake!' I know, adorable right? So they ate some raspberry cake together, which turned out tasting like gasoline, and their friendship had started.

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