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'I beg the lord, it's not my time yet!'

'I believe your old man will open the gates for you with love.'

'This is not necessary my friend! This place is corrupt, but we don't need to be.'

'Oh please old man, do your prayer and go your way. I need my midnight snack.'


Will squeezed his eyes closed, desperately needing all the sleep. But the loud voices had woken him up already, and sleep had flown away. Before he could irritatedly get up and get mad to whoever interrupted his sleep, reality smashed him right in the face.

The dirt under his body, the bone freezing cold of the outside night, and Robin's hand on his stomach pushing him back on the sand.

'Don't move', he hissed closely in Will's ear.

Will held his breath in, feeling like he needed to.


'Draco think back of all those sunday's in the church. God accepted you as a brother. Don't be a follower of Judas and his self righteousness.'


'You were so innocent my boy. And you can still be like that.'

'To much happened for me to return.'

'God is a forgiving person.'



'What's happening?' Will whispered fearing the worst.

The voice of the old man was unfamiliar to him, but the screaming guy was definitely Skinny, sounding not too happy.

Robin lay his other hand over Will's mouth, keeping him from speaking.


'I will show the god's your brightness. Your pureness. Your faith.'


'Why not my son?'

'I'm not that kid from the church anymore old man. The major is right. Everyone in here is a monster. Me. You. Even the little kid dying of thirst. We're here for a reason.'

'To come back a better person.'

'To be kept with the rest of the monsters. Close to where we were formed. Hell.'

'Just end it for me my boy. The stairs of heaven are waiting for me.'

'No they are not. When I snap the muscles in your neck, the floor will crack open, and you'll drop to where you belong too.'

'Than do it.'


'So I can finally be home.'


The deafening sound of bones snapping and muscle giving in drifted into Will's brain. Followed by the body dropping on the sand bottom. His body instantly started to shake and panic floated up like the day before. But this time Will wasn't alone and helpless. Robin pulled Will's head against his chest, rubbing his back head until his breathing seemed under control.

'Sssst', Robin continued whispering, not letting go of Will's hyperventilating body mess.

Will focused on Robin. Copied his breathing rhythm, stuck his bitten off nails in the boy's back skin and let the sweat scent stream into his nostrils.

For five warm minutes, Will felt like he wasn't alone. Like he had a strong sidekick to look up to when needed. He didn't think about the dead body, meters away from him. Probably being skinned and ready to devoured. Robin 'ssssst'ing him helped, but the feeling of having company was so pleasing that his eyes closed again. And he fell back to sleep like he only woke up to eat a late night sandwich.

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