Chapter 4 Maxon POV

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Now I've to go to my stupid party. Ugh, I hate being a prince. I wish I can be a Five, like you know a photographer. I'm into photography.
And I even have pictures on the wall by my bedroom.
I'm staring at it dreaming thinking about a normal life as my butler Justin got me ready for tonight.
Justin notice what I'm gazing at and said. "Daydreaming again about normal life Your Highness." He ask in a nice way. That what I love about Justin I can trust him with my secret and stuff. Me and him be best friends ever since he starting serving me when I was little.
"Yes I'm thinking about being a Five. Since I'm good at photography." I replied.
He nodded and went to straight my hair.
Afterwards I've to meet Father in his office. I say bye to Justin and went to Father's office.
When I got there. I gave a firm knock on the door like he taught.
Knock with authority, Maxon.
Stop pacing all the time, Maxon.
Be faster, smarter, better, Maxon.
"Come in."
I walk in and saw him looking out the window.
I walk towards him and said. "Hi Father, you needed to see me."
"Well what do you need?"
"I need you to be on your best behavior tonight, and don't talk to the Fives do you understand?" He said and gave me a glare.
"Ugh, Father, they just people like us?" I said firmly and gave him a glare too.
"No, son." He argue.
"Whatever." I mumble than Mom came in and walk over to Father and me, and gave both a kiss and a hug after we hug she said, "happy birthday Maxon."
"Thanks Mom."
"After the party I've a present for you."
Than Mom said, "Clarkson are we ready to go than."
"Indeed we're."
Then we're off to the Great Room.

what if the Selection never happen and Maxon and America met a different WayWhere stories live. Discover now