chapter two,

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Thank you for the few reads I know its a terrible fanfic but im updating anyway because I can, so so far Renna and Poppy have had a fight and aren't speaking they both aren't talking to Michael and they are off to college in a few weeks , Renna tweeted Harry and then theres a surprise so here we go :DD......

last time;

as I get onto twitter I notice that Harry Styles is doing a follow spree and me being the biggest fan EVER I type a tweet to him mentioning how much I love him and the other guys!

once im done the bell rings and I go down to get my pizza then run all the way up stairs again ,

and you wouldn't believe what had happened when I got there....

Renna's POV,

Harry freaking styles just followed me are you serious my prayers have been answered,


I only had 50 followers ten minutes ago now I have hundreds .....

I scream loudly im surprised I didn't break a window , I scroll down my follows quickly and notice that 2/5 has followed me one being HARRY and the other being LOUIS them cuties,

I begin to notice that I only have them followers because the boys followed me 'duh' how stupid could I be .

I log out of twitter and on to facebook do my quick cheak and El messages asking for me to download Snapchat so I do,

once im done I send her my name Reena_Styles (I know im not married to harry but I want to be 'let me dream ok')

she adds and I post my name on facebook aswell so my friends can add me ,

I decide I don't have much friends on facebook and now ive got much more followers on twitter I should post it there to make new friends .

 i send a quick tweet saying

'please add my snapchat would like to make some new friends Renna_Styles'

once im done i log out and clear my pizza away then throw on my pj's and get sorted for bed,

its been a long day and i have nothing to do so why not sleep .

Poppy's POV,

i feel bad for falling out with Renna but i didn't want her to hate me for going out with Michael,

who am i kidding i only became friends with her because shes 'popular' now that i had the chance i had to end it she had to go , she has El, Sara and whoever else there is anyway....

as i log into twitter i notice Renna tweeted her snapchat name asking for new friends?

she knows everyone who follows her , I click on her name and am shocked by the amount of followers she has....

usually id be happy but now im annoyed she has more people wanting to be friends with her!!!


I slam the phone down , then lift it making sure I didn't smash the damn screen ..

how could she do that to ME?

I called Renna saying I was sorry for how I acted and hoped shed forgive me but she screamed at me saying she hated me for what I did?

okay, I overreacted but how could she?

Renna's POV,

i woke up to the loud buzzing of my phone,

why would anybody be ringing me?

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