Chapter One

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I love houses with a story, whether it's my own or someoneelse's. Gruesome or pleasant. Hateful or loving. My last house's story was about a mother, father, and son. The boy had developed cancer at age six, the doctors told them he wouldn't last another four months since they had caught the disease so late. Now, after a tremendous amount of fighting for his life, the boy is 23 and happily married. The doctors say he's a miracle. 

That was a cheerful story, my next house has a more terrifying story. 24 deaths in that house, well 24 or 16 I can't remember what the Wikia page said. The page never stated who was killed, but it did tell the stories. I feel my favorite was the one about the girl who's dentist accidentally killed her with laughing gas then later dismembered her body parts. It's my favorite because instead of going to the hospital, he chopped her up.

"Ella. Get in the car it's time to go." My mom said. I did as told and waited for the long journey to my new home. 

I guess I'm not super thrilled that we're moving. My parents did this because of their own... problems. They think in L.A. we can get a fresh start. I beg to differ. Los Angeles does not seem like the best place to look for a new beginning, but they're trying so props to that.

My mother is a simple woman. She's a therapist, which can be helpful at times. It's like when something's wrong with me she knows. I'm not sure if it's mothers instinct or all the depressed paitents she sees. 

Her hair is brown, wavy and comes a little past her chest. Her eyes are icy blue and they are my favorite thing about her. She has a full figured body, unlike me. She's average height for a woman her age, once again unlike me.

"This is gonna be great!" My father exclaimed in the front seat. He started tapping on the steering wheel with excitement. A huge gin was plastered onto his face.

"If you keep making that face it'll be stuck like that, then how will you be sad when we get to murder house?" I asked blandly. I have never been a colorful spirit, always different and boring.

"Don't be such a kill joy." He said, his grin slightly smaller.

I turned the corners of my mouth up in an atempt to smile at him. I failed. My face kinda looked creeped out and screaming for help, not happy. My father was always a happy man. He also had brown hair but his was straighter, sleeker than my mothers. His eyes were a dull kind of brown but always illuminating with joy. That's why it broke my heart even more to see him sad. He had a masculine body type and carried himself well. My dad was a doctor, he loved to help people. 

"Ok so, I was thinking of the living room color scheme and I came up with a few things," I heard my mother say as I began zoning out. 

Before I knew it we were boarding our plane to go to our new home.

I sighed in relief and plopped down onto my bed. My room was almost unpacked but I just don't have the motivation. 

I looked down with pained eyes at my wrists. Unsightly cuts and scars covered them. I scoffed, and looked for my only friend. The only thing I could feel something with, feel something other than sadness. When my eyes landed on it, I slowly walked over and picked it up. It's metal was still shiny, and no dried blood covered it because of my cleaning habit.

I sat down in front of my mirror and rolled up the sleeve to my sweater. So many momories were carved into my skin. Like the first time I did it, in the sixth grade when Katherine Macnamaro told me the reason my parents fight was because of me. I had heard of self harm before but hadn't thought about it until then. It felt devine. 

I dragged the sharp metal across my skin and watched the blood seep down the sides of arm before I wiped it with a tissue. I generously gave myself another quick slash before setting down the razor and going to the bathroom to clean my arm up.

I ran the cold water over my crimson cuts and washed the thick liquid away. Looking in the mirror, I sighed again.

"If you're trying to kill yourself, cut upwards." 

(A/N: I really hope you're enjoying it so far! This is kind of the introductory into Ella's life. Tate will be appearing in the next chapter, so keep reading! If you're wondering what Ella's style is you can look at this little polyvore thing I made, So yeah. Please enjoy. Please vote also! And leave a comment (: )

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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