three - youngjae

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"Excuse me."

I knock on the door that was labeled proudly, "63." There's no answer, so I assume it's alright for me to come in and I do.

To be truthful, I have no idea how my patient looked. All I know is that he is male, a few years older than me, and his name. I'm surprised to see the face of my patient. He doesn't look happy, though. He stares at me dully.

"Good morning," I greet him, not quite expecting a reply. I hear a grunt coming from him.

"...Morning." His voice is low, yet also smooth. I kind of like it.

I scroll through the papers that have to do with this Im Jaebum. There's a nurse's log as to what has been happening so far, according to the... two nurses that looked over him?

Brought to room 63 at 21:32.

Reportedly threw a flower pot at nurse [name].

Switched nurses with nurse [name2].

Nurse [name2] left due to apparent stomachache.


He threw a flower pot at the first nurse? I suppose that's one of the "issues" he apparently has. I place the papers down and walk over to his bed. He stares at me continuously but I don't mind it. His IV bag is almost empty, so I replace it with a new one. Slowly, he lifts up his hand that isn't connected to the bag.

From the corner of my eye, I can see that he's flipping me off. Very funny, Im Jaebum.

I keep ignoring him and I do my job diligently, quietly. My ear twitches when I hear a tch noise coming from him again. I slowly turn to face him.

"Yah. Doesn't it bother you that I just flipped you off?" he asks. I exhale deeply.

"No," I tell him and turn around. I don't think I want to look at him anymore, since I know he's not quite cheerful.

Im Jaebum chuckles. A few of the hairs on my neck stand up.

"Nice," he says softly.

I'm not sure how I feel about my first day on the job anymore.

"Push the button when you need something," I tell him quietly as I'm preparing to leave the room. I head to the door and my hand brushes against the doorknob when Im Jaebum speaks up again. I don't turn to face him.

"What's your name?" he asks me.


"Choi," I say, leaving the room and shutting the door gently.

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