Part 1

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   All my life, I have been living a horrible nightmare.From the crazy zoo attack that happened on my third grade field, to almost being killed in a car accident, and to being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is a disease of a resistance of insulin to the brain. It caused me to lose most of my memories. Even with most of my memories gone, I was not going to let it win. Though nothing in my life could ever top or even compare to this nightmare that happened in my very school. It was like any other day, waking up and getting ready for school. Upon arriving to school, I knew something was off. My mom dropped me off, and the first thing I noticed was there were no buses, no cars, no nothing. I blew it off thinking I was either really late or really early. As soon as I walked into school, I instantly felt like someone was watching me. The school had a dark, eerie feel or presence, lurking in the shadows. It was felt as if you found yourself alone, it was too late. That dark presence is watching, waiting to strike at its next victim and drag them out of existence. Walking toward my locker, I saw fewer and fewer of students and teachers in the halls. What really creeped me out was the technician turned and looked at me. He waved and smiled at me like he knew something I didn't. I quickly walked to my first period class, to afraid to look back at the man. The man who watched me until he couldn't see me anymore. I approached the band room, I noticed how dark and empty it was. There was no source of light to be found in outside of the band room. I thought maybe my band teachers were running late or something, but when I tried the door, it was unlocked. I hesitated for several moments before stepping inside. Biggest mistake I ever made. As soon as I walked in the room, the door slammed shut. I rushed to the door, and tried with all my might to open the door, but somehow it was locked. Something from behind me moved, but before I could see what it was, I was thrown across the room. Everything was blurry, but I somehow managed to get up and walk to my seat. Once my vision finally cleared, I saw all the instruments on all the chairs around me. "Maybe we had a fire drill or something," I said aloud. A loud crash startled me enough to knock over a few stands and scream. Another sound came from the right of me and another from the left. The Bell rang, signaling the start of homeroom and morning announcements. It was dead silent until I heard chairs all around me start to move. A weird beeping sound came from the speakers, but it only lasted for a split second. At first I thought I was seeing things, but when I blinked again, the instruments were all floating in the air squeaking, droning, or crashing the pledge. Once the pledge and announcements were over, the conductor's stick floated in the air. I didn't even have time to pick up my clarinet, when the conductor's stick came flew straight at me. 

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