facing the day part two

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i head out towards the canteen and buy a bottle of water and then walk outside to go and find max,tyler,leah and bonnie. i find them over at our favourite bench/place to sit. just as i reach them i get bombareded with a group hug .."ummm guys strugling to breath in hear.." i say slowly trailing off as i try to breath in ,eventually they let go and i finially feel more air filling my lungs and i chuckle to myself."what  was that massive hug for then ?!?! " i ask/ wonder still laughing." because hugs are awesome and group hugs are even better!!" explained max ,"umm ok fair enough,what lessons do we have next" i ask sitting on the bench and putting my legs up so no-one can sit down on the bench haha i win!.. " umm well we have english then art and bugde up let us sit down.."shortly replys bonnie frowning at me hehehehhe "damn english oh that reminds me max how was your essay haha,and why move sit on the floor i own this bench" hehehe evil plan ...." oh it was ok turns out i wrote it wrong , i did the wrong question, surpose thats what i get for doing it last minute and bugde up or we shall sit on you!".."haha sucks to be you and you wouldnt dare i would sufficate" not that i wouldnt mind if they sit on me i mean no pain no game .."not funny i have to do it all over agai-" urgh the school bell :/ back to lessons at least i have english with bonnie and leah and then art with bonnie. arts awesome express emotions and life."well off to english then uhh"



english was crappy spent a hole hour reading a book for this assement exam thing, art was hularios ended up making a giant mess because i accidently flicked black paint on my canvas so ended up flicking paint everywhere ,it still looked amazing!!

walking into the canteen i buy my lunch with bonnie and walked over to join the others in the corner of the massive hall to eat lunch." wats,up " i ask sitting down next to max in the little circle they seem to be forming. " haha not much sam just had a borring maths lesson and ict sucked got told off for standing up -.- how was art ?" asked max frowning at the ict bit haha  "fail, and art was good messed up my canvas again but it ended up looking awesom-" just as i was about to finish the hall doors flung open and some new kid walked in ?!?! "wtf" i heard tyler whisper as the kid walked through the doors and joined the 'populars' "just what we need another twat in this schoool " i spoke up blatently the only person able to put a sentence together..."who the hell is that " maxs asks finding his voice "some new kid ,deerrr " i answer putting a stupid tone on ." yer we know that sam but i mean..since when ?" umm "how the fuck do i know im not some mind reader" i half shout ,ooo,oops "sorry didnt mean to shout" .."its ok i shouldnt have jumped down your throat like that " he whispers , aww no now ive upset him ,why do i always ruin things its always happeneing when im around ... "umm im gonna go do some work i have science next and i forgot to do the work , i'll be in the library if you need me." standing up i head towards the door leaving my friends behind before i do more damnage! just before i leave i turn around wave to my friends and just as im turning back round my eyes conect with the news kids as we stare at each other , somethings in his eyes but i cant quite figure it out , comming back to reality i shake it off turn round and exit the hall quickly making my way to the library knowing full well i have no science homework as i did it yesterday night ..


sitting in the library i start thinking about happenings today , what did i see in his eyes it scared me something in his eyes scared me mystery?, hate?,evil? all these thoughts i see in most people who look at me it wasnt that ,it was something else something i cant figure out something that scared me i dont know if i want to know what it was , it scared me like hell and thats all i think i want to know...


sitting through science  all i could think about was his stare so hard and glassy i cant breka away knowing he scared me i shouldnt be scared it was nothing , but no matter what all i could think about was the spark in his eye the spark that scared me sam !! " earth to sam, are you listening" max whispered in my ear .." umm what huh?" i say finally comming back to reality.." are you ok sam you've been acting funny ever since lunch?" ut ohhh i think they noticed my space outs :S ," umm im fine just thinking.." ahh crap rubbish lie number 236 haha uhh," whatever you say same im here if you need me sam you know that" urgh " yer i know your my friend and your here for me i know .." haha yer right you dont even know the real me ... i checked the clock one more lesson oh joys , music now oh ye cant wait i love music especially the piano.


 i got to music and entered the room and headed towards the piano and put my bag down and did a few scales before our teacher walked in shortly followed by.. oh god not him urgh . the new kid damn and i thought my day couldnt get worse. as everyone sat down the our teacher cleared his throat ," students we have a new member to this class ...everybody this is Alex please make him feel welcome!" feel welcome my arse  ..."today we are going to go over a  piece of music for the summer consert.. umm alex seeing as your new what intruments are you good on ?" .."umm im best at piano and i like the drums .." he answered smirking " well seeing as james covers the drums i think you could do a duet with sam in this summers concert as she also works on piano ." whoa what hang on there  im not working with h-him his evil he is unknow ......

"yes i can work with sam" damn it noo my day just got worse if only he knew what he was doing .killing me inside he scared me more than anyone....

the rest of the lesson killed me i had to work with alex for the whole lesson and he kept starring at me like i was a murderer ,wtf urgh finally the bell goes i grab my bag and dash out the class room to my freedom on my way out i see tyler " hi tyler, bye tyler,cya tommrow" i half shout as i walk out of school on my journey home..


heres another chapter bit longer i think hope you like it im not brilliant with spellling and things but oh welll.

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