Book V: Blood.

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“You are a king?” Dante asks. Gyren looks down on the Dante, and peers into his eyes. “I have come to sign a treaty, but if anything goes wrong, we will launch an attack.” He spoke with a slight, but noticeable accent. “Well… for the safety of my people, i must request that we test your skill and power.” Gyren looks around “I understand your caution.” Dante walks off, and Gyren follows close behind, Anti-Saiyan guards at his back. Dante turns his head to Gyren “Where are your guards, are you so proud to come alone?” Gyren shakes his head “No, we are, uh, short handed… my people are in a dire situation, and i come looking for support in our war and quarrelling.” he seems a little distraught, and worried. “I see. We found another of your ships in one of our wheat fields a few weeks ago” Dante says. “Yes, that would have been the first contact, although according to the bio logs, the pilots passed out, and their bodies quickly disintegrated.” He looks over his back quickly, and looks around him. For a few minutes, it was silent. “Kilara!” Dante barks.“ottenere Joram.” Kilara runs off, to retrieve Joram. A few more minutes pass of silence, Joram slowly walks into the room “Kayanga Dante, nomehyu neyame?” Joram mumbles “Joram, this is Gyren, he is a Bancoshian.” Joram looks up at the impossibly tall man “Why are you here?” Joram says darkly. Gyren is about to tell him, when Dante butts in. “That is secret for the time, much like you… he is, for the time; a secret.” Joram looks up at Gyren once more, and back to Dante “Testing?” “Yes.” Dante says. “Okay, then get to it.” Joram says walking off. “Joram, i was thinking you test him.” Joram looks surprised “Well, why not.” He says shrugging his shoulders “May as well, I need training.” Gyren looks down on the small Joram and laughs “This tiny creature will be testing me?” He laughs loudly “YES, I will be, so strap in bitch stick.” He says slightly angered. “Ladies ladies you’re both pretty” Dante says chuckling. Joram punches Dante in the thigh without even looking, shattering his leg. “AH, little bastard!” Dante yells Joram gives a sarcastic smile. “You’re just gonna take that?” Gyren says. “Ah why not” Dante says as his leg heals completely. “So when is this snarky little asshole going to be testing me?” Gyren asks. “Now” Joram says, punching him through the stone wall onto the arena below. “Joram that was uncalled for.” Dante says with mock disappointment. Joram shrugs and hops out of the hole in the wall. Gyren begins getting up but is taken back by Joram landing on his chest, cracking his ribs. Gyren spits blood and screams in pain. Joram continuously slams his fists repeatedly into Gyren’s already bloody face. “Joram!” Dante yells “Stop!” Joram just continued barraging Gyren’s face. “Joram. STOP” Dante says in a voice he’s never used before. Joram stops out of surprise. Gyren sends out the distress signal. Dante snatches Joram up by his coat. “You went WAY too far!” He says “I just got pissed for some reason….” Gyren stands up, bloody and broken “I said this only a little bit ago, anything goes wrong… we will attack, and things went horribly wrong.” Gyren disappears, and the Caisteal begins to shake with loud explosions, soon after. “Joram… Why didn’t you stop?” Dante asks his head hung. “I...I was angry…” Joram says emotionlessly “My emotions clouded my judgement…” “You must learn to control your emotions Joram” Dante says looking up slightly “You must show emotion on the inside and keep it there” “we have to bring this bastard down Dante, we need to put this petty squabble aside” Joram says. “You’re right…” Dante says “I know I’m right. I’m always right” Joram says. Dante jumps upwards and begins flying away from the Caisteal. Joram goes in the opposite direction.

    Joram flies at sub supersonic speed with nothing but his thoughts. ‘Why didn’t I stop… Now Dante’s planet is in danger… And it’s all my fault…’ He boosts to go faster. A few moments later Joram realizes ‘No… Dante’s people are strong. They won’t go down because some pansy can’t take a beating.’ Joram sees a small encampment. ‘That’s strange… no one should be out this far…’ He flies down to the encampment to see a smouldering campfire. He touches the logs to feel them still warm ‘Still warm? That means whoever is out here is close’ He checks the tent to find it empty. ‘What? They're gone?’ “ Who’s gone?” a voice says behind him Joram wheels around to see Gyren. “You!” Joram shouts above the coming snowstorm. “You need to call off the invasion!” “I needn’t do anything small creature” Gyren says smugly “You’re just pissed you got beaten by someone smaller than you” joram says accusingly Gyren’s smug smile quickly fades “You wish to anger me?” He says. “Come get me pixie dick” Joram says. Gyren charges

Dante is flying half speed ‘I shouldn’t have snapped at Joram. He probably thinks this is his fault’ Dante sees a flashing light on the ground. ‘Strange… I don’t have any beacons out here’ He flies down to investigate. He sees a fair skinned man about his height with a white garb. He floats behind him and gets him in a chokehold “Who are you and why are you here?!” Dante asks angrily “I’ll never talk!” the man says in an acute accent. “Do you wish to see what my torture capabilities are?” The man gulps slightly “I’ll never talk…” Dante puts his hand on the man’s face and begins heating it up slowly. In a few minutes it’s hotter than several hundred Kelvin.  The man is screaming in pain “Fine I’ll talk!” He screams Dante drops him after smashing his knees “Why are you here?” “I am the first regiment of Lord Gyren’s Invasion Forces” He says, his voice trembling. “Where is Gyren?” Dante asks “He’s camped in the upper hemisphere. An Ice Plains” Over the radio on his shoulder Dante hears a scream “Joram?!” He says Dante knocks the man out with a swift kick to the skull and flies to the Upper Hemisphere. ‘I’m coming my little friend… Hang in there’

Dante flies full speed and faster to get to Joram as soon as possible. When he sees the bolts of Ki and Aura he dives and punches Gyren in the back of the head. “You’re here too?” Gyren asks “Well… This should be interesting…” Joram jumps instead of at Gyren, at Dante. Dante makes a springboard out of his hands and flings Joram thirty feet in the air. Dante brings out his blade and begins swiping at Gyren, Joram falls towards Gyren with a Ki imbued fist. Gyren takes a Joram fist to the face, burning off substantial facial skin. Dante picks Gyren up and binds him with Ki and he carries him to the Caisteal over three hundred kilometers away. “You alright Joram?” Dante asks “I’ll be fine Dante…” Joram says looking humiliated that he needed help. They fly full speed to the Caisteal to drop off Gyren in the prison ward. Dante speaks into the shoulder mounted microphone “pronta la cellula "speciale" per il nostro ospite pericoloso Gyren.” He says He turns to Joram, “We have a special cell being readied for Gyren’s arrival. “That’s a relief” Joram says “How so?” Dante replies quizzically “I thought I would have to share a room with this pixie dick motherfucker” Joram says boredly

When they arrive a sharply dressed servant comes out and speaks in a panic “Signore Dante. Abbiamo un problema. Abbiamo individuato su navi da guerra settanta provenienti dal quadrante nord-est.” “CHE COSA? Quali sono le loro armi? Qual è la loro armatura fatta? E quanto di esso?” Dante asks “Standard Sable arrotonda per i principali pistole con un'unità di impulso elettromagnetico per il secondario. E 'armatura sembra essere la stessa consistenza della nostra ma ... E' di un metallo sconosciuto” The servant says “By the Overseer…” Dante says “They have an Electromagnetic Pulse Drive…” “And what does that mean in english?” Joram asks slightly angrily “It means they can absorb the electrons out of the air and fire them as a kinetic bombardment strike.” “AND???” Joram asks “They can take electricity out of the air and turn it into a bomb.” Dante says. Joram’s face becomes downcast. “So our home will be destroyed?” He asks. “Our?” Dante asks “Yes our. I’ve decided I am staying here.” Joram says. “Nice to know. I’m assuming you’ll be staying with or near me?” Dante asks “I haven’t worked out the details yet.” Joram states. “We’re off topic we need to get bitch stick here into his cell then deal with these warships”  “Of course” Dante says quickly. He sprints into the Caisteal and into the prison ward. He puts Gyren in the ki absorption chamber.  (Forty years pass as the war between the Bancoshians and the Anti-Saiyans rages on, Gyren escapes, and the war eventually becomes far more deadly. Joram unlocks a new form, Joram 2 (this is the form after the Joram that has been in the story so far). During this time, the ‘time deceleration interuniversal gap’ is discovered, as Dante and the rest of his people ages nearly none during this time, and Joram begins to grow old.)

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