Book X: End.

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Joram has been captured, and the Emperor has been Ill for many years. The troops are beginning to thin out, down to only three trillion, and the population count is down to 1.15 trillion. The once beautiful planet of the Anti Saiyans, is now a wasteland, where the skeletons of the past scatter the streets, and bodies have piled up. Drastic measures must be taken soon, or the war will be lost.

“Summon, the leaders… we must talk.” Dante says from his bed. A servant runs off, and his wife and children stand by his bed. The leaders come, and look down sullenly on Dante. “My king, you wish to speak with us?” Dante shifts in pain “Yes, but I ask one thing of you…” They all lean in “I will go to one final battle, to free Joram… I ask that you evacuate the rest of the populous, and all the scribes and leaders… and the remaining soldiers… give me their Ki, so that I may have the strength to fight… no others will go to battle with me. ”But Lord Dante… You’re too weak to fight… We don’t know whether you’ll make it back…” Jerarus says “If I die, I die. If I live, I live. Just hope that I kill that bitch Ara.” They all nod, and walk out. Multiple hours pass, and Dante lays in bed. A servant enters the room “My lord, I know this is rude… but the people request a speech, before your parting.” Dante nods, and shakily stands up.

He walks out, onto the Caisteal balcony. “My people, you few have joined me here… the sick, dying and dead… have not died in vain… and they are not alone… they dwell with Taka Okami, in the realm of heros… and are dwelling in perfection. She has selected us to live. And she has called us all to serve at this moment! I leave, with one request… give me your Aura, and i will be able to save us all! Raise your hands, and aid your king one final time!” Dante says, throwing up his hands. They Do the same and begin chanting “Noi diamo il nostro potere a voi” All in unison. For a brief moment, the sky swirls with all different colours then just stops. Dante begins to glow, and he lifts up his arms in triumph “Thank you my people… now before I leave… you must evacuate.” The people seem distraught, but obey, and file towards the ships. Dante flies off, and the people evacuate. After a long time, and a dark sky, Dante begins his singular assault on Ara. He breaks through the wall “Honey, I’m Home!” Many soldiers attack Dante, and he beats them all, he slowly makes his way to Ara, and slowly makes his way to Joram. He busts through the door leading to Ara, and he is met with the sharp tail of Ara. “Honey… I’m home.” Ara says, Dante attempts to stand up, but the Aura leaves him, and he collapses. Ara grabs Dante and laughs “Such a great king, by the way… thank you for the new arm” she shows off the mechanical arm “Do you like it, it can distribute a serum that is pure pain.. No physical damage is done… it just stimulates all the cells in the body, and tricks them to think the links have been severed…. A pain stimulus…. And your are my first test.” Her mechanical hand jerks back, and a long needle jumps out, she slowly sticks it into Dante's arm. Dante screams in pain, and passes out. Ara grabs his wrist “low vitals… wonderful.” She grabs a small canister and switches it out with the pain serum. She sticks it into his arm and he jumps back to life. Dante grabs at Ara, but he is slapped down, and thrown back. “You took my investment, and you tried to hide him from me… and even though he's in a different universe… I found him… cause I’m one crazy BITCH!” she stabs him in the chest “But you… you're such wonderful creatures… lovely DNA, you would make great warriors… and if i combine it with a clone of Joram… he would be unstoppable.” Dante keels over dead. “Hmph… not worth it.” She walks off, when Dante begins to glow red “Hahahaha, thank you Madam… you have unleashed me… and now, I’m free.!” Ara stumbles back “WHAT ARE YOU!?” “I am Sirius, the god of this universe.”

Aras ship suddenly explodes, and a green Stasis pod, flies out steaming.

    -= a long time later=-

Joram wakes up, the green glass is cracked, and the dusty air is floating around him. He coughs, and crawls out if the pod. Joram is shirtless, and only in compression underwear. His hair is dust covered and his scarred body faintly shines in the dust. He looks around, and sees chunks of Aras ship, strewn around the mountain side. He walks slowly through the wreckage, and searches for bodies. “Three hundred, forty seven.” Joram sighs “All of them were just following orders, they had done nothing… but what caused this explosion?” Joram thinks as he continues to count more and more bodies, he comes across Ara, walking and screaming profanity at the name of Dante. Joram hides, and watches, she is limping, and covered in blood from gaping wounds. “DAMN YOU DANTE, YOU COULDN'T JUST LET ME BE… NOW YOU COME HERE AND KILL ALL OF MY MEN, DAMN YO-” She is cut off, by a Aura spear coming right through her head. Joram crunches back, and peeks his head out, Ara falls to the ground, and the spear fades away into the dust. Joram follows the direction in went, and he sees a red glowing figure. “Who are you!?” Joram cries out.

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