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The sharp cold wind blew past me and in the house once I opened the door.

"Bye mom," I yelled at her and shut the door. "Bye honey, have a good day," She replied.

Today I decided to walk to school, because I thought it was going to be cool, and also because I don't live that far from school.

"Curse winter," I mumbled under my breath, with my hands in my pockets.

Even though I was wearing leather pants, boots,  beanie, white sweater, a scarf, and a cute jacket I was still cold.

I took 2 hours trying to find what I was going to wear for the first day back to school after the break. Now I wish that I just changed into something comfy and lazy.

I finally made it to school, no longer feeling the vibe, because I just froze my butt cheeks outside, I opened the door to the school.

A big gust of warm air hit my cold cheeks once I was inside.

I found my locker which held some good but also bad memories, like when I got a note from a secret admirer, but also when I found out that it wasn't for me.

I opened my locker to find my textbooks that I gladly threw in the locker when it was the last day of school for the break.

I quickly grabbed all my belongings that I needed for the next class and found my friends.

"Hey Selena," My best friend Harper boasted.

"What's up," I said approaching them, as they were clustered around some lockers.

"How was your break?" Tyler asked, while he closed his locker.

Truthfully my break wasn't so bad, most of it just consisted of me eating Thanksgiving leftovers.

"Not bad, how was your Ty?" I replied and asked.

Tyler, Harper and I have been friends ever since we were little so we got to know each other throughout all these years.

"Mine was horrible, I had to spend it with my family," Tyler whined, thinking about the hoidays.

"Well, isn't that also what the break was for?" Harper asked.

"Noooo, it was for us to get a break from school," Tyler said and pouted his lips. "I had to share my food with them."

That's Tyler for you, every time you talked to him it always happened to land on a food subject. I don't know how he eats so much, but is just so buff and strong.

"Typical Tyler," Harper replied, as she and I laugh our butts off, while the bell rang.

"Wow, guys I really have missed you," I said wrapping my arms around theirs and walked off to class with them.


《《《Thanks for reading my first chapter of this book.》》》

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