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Destiny's POV

He slapped me. Louis slapped me. My instincts kick in and i fled to the corner. When i felt Harry's arms around me I sobbed. He just tightened his grip. Every memory, fear, pain, and emotion flooded from my mind and heart. I heard the shuffling of feet, then I heard a thud. I peaked over Harry's shoulder to see.........Louis?

"Har-Har-HARRY!" I whisper-shouted. His head snapped up, and meet my gaze. His green eyes were questioning my stability.

"Take me home, Just please take me home..." I started to shake, my shoulders shuddering from the force of my sobs. I saw a tear slip from his eye. I reached up, held his cheek, and whipped it away.

"Harry, I'm okay, I'm gonna be okay....." I wasn't only trying to reassure him, but me also. He nodded his head and stood, with me still in his arms. To prevent myself for seeing more chaos i snuggled my head into the crook of his neck. 


It's been two days sense i left the hospital. Harry never leaves my side.  Were are always laughing, playing, and goofing off. We've become REALLY close. Everything has been great, except the fact that lou is blowing up my phone."I DONT KNOW WHERE YOU'R GOIN, BUT DO YOU GOT ROOM FOR ONE MORE TROUBLED SO...." Fallout boy blared through my phone.


"Destiny, Please.........."

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