Chapter 25

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.Raven's POV.

Raven heard a shout in the distance as she was roughly yanked out of the dark haze she was currently in and back to reality.

What's going on?

She felt strong hands on her jacket as she was pulled to her feet. Her back slammed against the hard trunk of a tree and her eyes fluttered open.


Raven could see her friend in the distance, jumping to her feet with worry in her eyes. She could also hear the breathless panting of someone right in front of her. Her eyes focused on the visibly angry woman before her.


She could almost feel the heat and the rage radiating off of the Commander and it was truly frightening. Before she could speak or defend herself, she felt the all too familiar feeling of her mind being seized. Everything began to blur. She knew that in a few seconds, she wouldn't be herself anymore. She would be merely a vessel, controlled by this artificial intelligence with almost no recollection of what had happened afterwards. She would be aware of what was happening, but powerless to stop it.

No, no, no. Not now... Raven pleaded with her mind.

I am sorry, Raven, but this is how it has to be. I must speak with the Commander. We need her.

"Well hello to you too." Raven could not stop her lips from moving as she uttered the words.

She felt the grip on her jacket tighten as Lexa pushed her further against the tree. Soon after, she could feel the cold and unforgiving sensation of a metal blade at her throat. Behind the fuming Commander's face, stood the all too familiar woman in red. The woman that seemed almost a part of her now. She was always around, always watching, always controlling. At first, Raven thought it was just a figment of her imagination. A person created by the chip she took, here to help her cope with her pain. But she came to realize that this chip was not a drug, not an escape, it was linked to an actual place. A place that took over your mind, basically turning you into a robot, a zombie. And for some reason, this robotic woman in the red dress wanted Raven and preyed on her pain, figuring out a way to use her to do her bidding. Sometimes she would advise Raven, whispering into her ear, brainwashing her. And other times, she would forego this route and just take over Raven's mind and body herself, using her as a physical vessel. Neither was pleasant.

Raven had tried to get rid of her. She had tried to preoccupy herself, she had tried to fight this new threat head on, she even tried zapping the woman from her mind, but she had failed each time. And now ALIE was stronger than before and there was nothing Raven could do about it. If only there was a way to get this person out of her head...

.Clarke's POV.

Clarke woke to the sound of birds chirping above her. It must have been dozens. She stretched her hands above her head and slowly opened her eyes, allowing the sunlight in. She was met with tired, blood-shot emerald eyes. It looked as if Lexa had not slept at all. Clarke sat up quickly, immediately feeling sorry for her.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"About an hour past dawn."

"Did you sleep at all?"


"Why?" Clarke brought her hand to Lexa's cheek. She wished she could wipe away the pain in her eyes like she could the tears that rarely fell from them.

"There was too much to think about. It seems as if my mind does not care about my exhaustion."

"The mind works in crazy ways, doesn't it?"

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