Chapter 47

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.Clarke's POV.

Clarke looked around the surprisingly well-lit room (considering what time of day it was). The sun was completing its descent in the sky, just peeking over the mountains in the distance, lighting parts of the room in a warm glow. Clarke could never get enough of the view from Lexa's tower.

From her current position at the side of the room, below the dais steps and to the right of Lexa's throne, she had a pretty good view out the balcony doors. It was so beautiful outside. The incredible nature seemed to go on forever... tree-topped mountains, green as far as the eye could see. She knew what was beyond the mountains and she yearned to see this too... The water, the desert, even the snow-covered lands of Azgeda. Now that it was safer, maybe she would be able to explore these lands without the fear of being attacked.

They were too high to hear anything, but Clarke imagined the marketplace was empty now. She wondered where the people retreated to after a hard day's work bartering and creating goods. There were so many wonderful people to meet and get to know. Clarke couldn't wait.

Members from every clan filled the room, and this time, Clarke felt much more at ease. This was much different from the last time they had all met... before the debauchery that had ensued. She chanced a glance at the members of Azgeda, the group positioned next to her group from Arkadia. She made brief eye contact with Roan who responded with a polite nod, no other emotions crossing his features. She could feel his presence in the room... that of a leader. The crown of Azgeda suited him. The whole title did. Lexa believed in him and Clarke could see why. Even the Azgeda warriors seemed happier. That probably wasn't the correct term, but they definitely did not seem unhappy. It looked like they were honored to even be there, in Polis tower, at a meeting of the clans.

Clarke felt a little outnumbered, but this didn't make her uncomfortable today. There was no malice in the atmosphere, no uneasiness. It was surprisingly quiet, and everyone seemed calm. She hoped the meeting would go well, without any hitches.

The doors swung open and all eyes turned to watch as the Commander entered, flanked by four guards. It was always an event... anytime Lexa came or left a room. She really commanded attention, even when she wasn't trying. Clarke watched in awe, almost forgetting that this was her Lexa. She wore all of her titles so well and the distinctions were clear.

Lexa made her way up the dais to her throne. She turned to face the group as her guards took their places at her sides. Indra too held a majestic air about her. There was something about those Trikru warriors that was so... imposing, but so appealing. Clarke liked it. If possible, Lexa looked even sexier right now, standing in front of everyone.

Calm down...

As if on cue, everyone in the room took a knee, Clarke and her group following the others' lead. She remembered this part from last time, except luckily, now she was at the side of the room and not front and center.

"Hail, warriors of the thirteen clans."

That voice...

Clarke shook her head to clear her mind of the dangerous thoughts.

Pay attention!

"Hail, Commander of the Blood," the room chanted in unison, Clarke included this time. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her people doing the same.


They knew what they were doing.


Such authority...

That voice was definitely going to be her downfall at this meeting. Clarke had to remind her body how to move. Something about the Commander's voice was so... enticing. It wasn't overly harsh, but it had just enough authority. It was just so... smooth and delicate... and yes, sexy.

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